The Gavelyte, January 1911

11 ~fHL l IC ·*- On Friday c ening, Dec. 16, our boys abs nc, of Rid •linl'" mndc th<· gnm journey •d to Dayton for a cont s t with on of the hardest of Lhf' 1<·a~<m. lh~ir tim honor d opponent, t. Mary's. ' The lin up was m1 follrnn; The t am seriously handicapp d by the Ccdarvill nbsenc of guard Di on, who was out And rson of the game on account of sickness. 1 Morton St. Mary's has a record of which she Williamson may be proud for games won on her I L~wnes own floor and Coach Solimano's aggre- , M1tray gation, remembering the close score of Stormont r. f. Griffith I. f. . Sh •pherd C obb c.. Grady r. g. Replogel J. g. Hamilton Replogel, 2; And n:1on, Fouls, Hamilton, 5; last year, were ready for the worst. i Field baskets The game was fast from the start, I 3; Morton, 3. both referees being on the job from I Anderson, 5. the first blast of the whistle. Fo: five I The "Big Five" left edarville Fri-. I minutes no score was recorded but a day a. m. at 8:30 enroute to Cleveland, strange floor began to play havoc with I Ohio, for the purpose of giving German the execution of C. C's signals and the Wallace University a ''warm up prac– "rain began to fall." But one defeat : tice." The trip was not without many does not make a season nor a defeat by notable incidents and much fun. Arriv– St. Marys on her own floor signify that I ing at Columbus by 10, we had about C. C. wasn't on the job. The s : ore two hours in the Arch City, which time 53-8 does not at all typify the relative was devoted almost entirely by the strength of the two teams. l team in trying to get a game for Sat- The game was called promptly at urday eve. Our efforts were however · ht 'clock A few changes had futile for everyone seemed ''scared of e1g o . ,, B b been made in the Ashland line-up. j us. ut Y 11 a. m. "Mose" com- The game started by the Cedarville · plained that his ''stomach thot his center sending the ball flying toward ! throat was cut'' and he hastened to Cedarville's basket. It remained in I a hash house and spent the re– that vicinity during the greater part of I mai_ning fifty minutes in ravenou s th game owing to the excellent guard- 1eatmg- and at 11 :50 we counted noses · e f Captain Mitray and Miss Stor- and took the Big Four Limited to the mg O I "G th f Oh· " W · mont. The Ashland girls succeeded in I O am O 10 • e arrived ~here k' two field baskets while Miss I at 3 P· m. and spent three hours m a Amad i~g and Miss Morton succeeded in I rapid inspection tour of the city in our n e1son . ll' . making three each. Miss Anderson pnv~te car, ca mg upon fnends. and threw five fouls. I relatives. At 5:30 we checked m at The unusually large floor and the I (Concluded on page 16.)