The Gavelyte, January 1911

lumni, tt ntion ! WARN'T 1 HA , 1.1 'K Th • u uni crow1l of Km II boy "' u1 The l{l'l'nter numlwr, 1f not, nil of gnth r d nhout lhP Pntr- nc(• of a circus you, hnvC' rccc1vt•d a copy of lh i. th l nt in n Rmnll town on, 1lay, pushing ,Janunry, 1911 numht•r of th(' , vi,; 1, VTE. nd trying tog •ta ghmps of th• in• The r ason for thiR mngnnn imity t •ri<Jr. A man Rtandi w· t h••rl 1s thnl und r th I nd rship of Rev. th m for a ft•w mom n , th n walking C. A. Young, whose n w nddr ss is 21 up to the lick t taker he said with an Wabeno-st., Roxbury, Boston, Muss., air of authority: "Let all thos boys in, a campaign in b half of the endow- and count them as th y pass.'' ment of edarvm ollege is being Th gateman did as requested, and waged. We expe !t that in the next when the last one had gone h turned number of the GAVELYTE he will tell and said: "Twenty-eight, sir." u all about it. Have you read Prof. 1 "Good," said the man, smiling aR he Fitzpatrick's article in this number? j walked away, "I thought I guessed If not, re:d it immediat ely. It contains ' right." Gavel,:te Exchange. some splendid advice. Alumni, let's get together in one "Suffer little children," Hugh Turn- TRONG, DETERMINED pull for old I bull, Robert Conley, Sam Foster. C• C. . Grace Beckley: That man looked just Smcerely Yours, I like my dad. Yes, he did because he S. C. WRIGHT, '03. I had a hat on just like dad's. THE OYSTER SEASON IS HERE! SEALSHIP'f OYSTERS Alone Have That Delicious SEA FLAVOR Not a drop of water or bit of ice touches them from the time they k,ve the sea until they reach the con,,umer. · We are the only Xenia Agt. H. E. Schmidt & Co., Wholesale and Retail firocers, 30 5. Detroit-st., Xenia.