The Gavelyte, January 1911

.,~...... -.:...., ..__..... ~~- J$£t.;pOC1fly.... ~ I BOGGAN'S EXCLUSIVE STYLE5. The Store __where I I The Store that others Styles Origmate. try to imitate I BOOGAN MADE GARMENTS I Ours is the home of the famous BOGGAN-MADE GARMENTS. The tailored suits are strictly up-to-date in every respect made of the very newest weaves, ::i nd all materials are ponged, shrunk and steamed Evening Gowns, Evening Wraps, Street Dresses and Suits I Millinery Shirtwaists Hosiery Neckwear Leather Goods, Gloves, Corsets, Etc. Are Our Specialties. SPECIAL - - Rt'llH'lllht>r W t" 1-!ive ROC:<1.-\ , '. 1<:XCLU l\'F. TAMP with All cas h vurchMes I wh)eh "'":~j:~~: 1:;;~i:~i; ~r'f: lo w pclees 24 e. Mein-St., Both Phones Springfield, Ohio. I ,. ~1'P:sflfllJC(1fazgS.......S1%1Lfli- ---·-- •1~::-;;;;-GA VELYTE Rea;::-•1, Greetings For 1911 I &om I I ~t~!~~!~~~ir ~ron~!t~~:u!.d the I largP t sales of their 48 busin ess years. The closing bargains for January are many. The opening for spring is excellent. •••:.aJ111;ar.cras,......_...,........ •