The Gavelyte, January 1911
CEDAlt V1LLB C'OLL.l!X.iE. 7 Dix is quoted as favoring a law legal- going on for thirty years. The richest izing Sunday base-ball. and most respectable men in the county, --o-- with preachers and Sabbath School A rebellion in the Brazilian Navy teachers, are tarred with the same shows that a navy is not an unmixed stick. It is rumored that nine other good. The Mutineers threatened to counties in the state are almost as bad. bombard the city of Rio Janeiro unless Adams County is inhabited by families their demands were complied with. that have been American for genera– Less than a thousand mutineers held tions, scarcely a foreigner to be found up t he great republic of Brazil. Of I within its limits. This will rather course the Congress acceded to their puncture the argument about foreigners demands and also granted amnesty. ' not being fit to take part in American Another rebellion, this time of marines, ) politics. was fortunately crushed. Since then, j forty-si.x: of the mutineers have died in I Among Other Colleges. prison, one-half of sun-stroke, the , other half of plague. The marines know better than this. Wilmington has been striving en- --o-- ergetically for the past few weeks to The new authorities in Portugal are I raise $45,000.00 endowment before Jan. having a great deal of trouble in putting !1st. They have met with great sue– the finan ces on a stable basis: Many 1 1 cess. years of misrule have sunk the state , almost hopelessly in debt, and yet the l Joseph Pulitzer, editor ?f the New only t hing for them to do is, by strict I York World, has contributed over economy, t o wade slowly but surely out !$1,000,000 to Columbia University. of debt. The republic has been recog- j The gift is to establish a department of nized by England, France, Spain, and I Journalism in the institution. - Kilikilik. Italy, but not by the United States. 1 --o- · I Europe has 125 universities with a The last day of the old year was one . total enrollment of 288, 721, Paris lead– of disaster in aviation. On that day, i ing with . about 16,000, and Berlin _Moisant at New Orleans and Hoxsey I second with about 15,000 students. at Los Angeles los t control of their . machines and were crushed to death, I Buchtel· college recently defeated making a total of thirty-one victims 1' Ohio We!leyan in Basket Ball. Cedar- for the year. ville lined up against Buchtel, Sat- -o- 1 urday, Jan. 14th, 1911 at Akron. · One-sixth of t he voting population of i Adams County, Ohio, has been disfran-: Columbia university is considering chised for five years for vote-selling. the advisability of removing the ban on The hero in t he case is Judge Blair who foot ball at the institution. President says that this sort of thing has been Nicholas Murray Butler recently called
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