The Gavelyte, January 1912
1111 I \ \ I I I I ,\1 the, I,, • lil the l,1 t lw11r 1111 \\', d- where th<, Wl'I • 111rt In PI ii ,1nd 11, d. \. J,lllU.U\ 10th, ~I 1. P,lltl l It' - th ,, ·II ,1thcred the men 11! the (1111 ·1,:'C' 111 ,111ntht r s11rpn the 1llcll n, im .,nrl, in ,in l t 11 d ,, hi pn, h,,d h,trtlh ,1nnm1m rd th,ll here "mild lw ,1 "St.ig" th 'm ,•I\'· , ,It hi lwmc 1111 th ll eve11111g I le li,,dc wild ·st t,1111p111g- of 1111\ f It ,n th· the men tn keep the thin, mum, .111<1, ,·cr,111do1 l11lll "'cd h, ,1 lu 1d t.1tt, 1111 ''.1h1we ,ill th111g· 1 ... e," h1· -..,,id, ·'d.,n't the do ,r, \\ltich ,,., 111111 op 11 ,111d 111 let the girl: get tit· ·t to it.·· ru~he<l the girl.. l ltc f ·II"" \~ ·1 Thruout the entire afternoon the men 1·qu,il to the II t 1 1n11, IHrn •v1 1, ,11,d, f11Jluwed Paul'>! 111 trucuon , ·carcely the f.,ir t>llC \\Cf co111pcllcd l•> 11111 tit· daring w breathe le-,t -..ume inkling ,if g 111ntlet ol m ·rry f •1111\\., "lu t.irt d, the "bi time". lw11ld escape their lip· "I-.. thi· lc,,p :' 1-.. 1111-.. le tp , · 1r•'' c1nd, c.1rried hy ,,ind or bird, reach the It appcare<l, ,t hort time pr·, 11n1 ear· of the f,11r ones, for it wal:' t11 he a to Paul'._ a11nt111nc- ·111c11t t11 th,· '"'' , big ·urprise I i· Alla:rt.1 h.,d 111,tde ,t i1111l.1r d ~ :\Ir. Paul l:L1m ey had promised l•> clo ure t\l tl1L ~irl,;, ,ind l,u h h •en take the fellows out on a big le<l, and ·•mum." accordmgly, abLJut even o'clock, the But then, we all h,td a much rnnre t·n· men gathered at :\Ir . .:\fcGaftick'- and Juyable time becau e the buy ,ind girl waited fur the te:im, when it came the were hnth pre enl. < ~.line-, ,, ere in– lellow piled in and tarted tnr the dulged in, nt wcr · t•rved country. Imagine their .urpri e, there- and at a late hour we deµ.,rted fl)r 1,1111, fore, when a they got down intu the thankful for the 'pie., ,lilt e~enill"-:, ,ind cente1 of tu,,n. to -~e about twenty.five for the people who are II I\Jrtn-he 1rteJ girl gathered at )Ji· , 'ancy Finney·:, toward the tudent h11dy. and apparently waiting fur a team 1s thev were all bundled up in their he.1,·y wr:ip and furs. Few of the men, however, had the lightest idea a tO what wa the meaning of thi preparation on the part of the girl , and, while many conjecture were made a to it probable meaning, it was not deemed that the•· 'tag" wa. tu be a "cn-ed affair" after all. The fellows Cl>Dtinued on their way, ·inging, pinning yarn - , and oon found Amu11g- thwe who . pt·nt their Chri · ma ,·acation in or near(e<lan·ille we1e: Agnes tonnont, Ethel 1\Jc\lill.111, Lydia Turnbull, Jo. ephine 1 >rr, J11h11 Stewart, Kenneth \\ 1ll1am ·un, L1,u1se 'mith, Cha . Bc1 ·kin an<l Pru I. J. l' ,t\'· mon<l Fitzpatrick. them · e ve herng ushered into the home The Ga~·elyte lwulJ follow each and of :.\Ir. and :\lrs Jame H. Crt well, every alumnu .
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