The Gavelyte, January 1913

LEDARVILLE COLLEGE 7 OUT OF THE GINGER JAR. bank?" Villager: "Sorry, sir; but I'm Most rat holes will bear looking in- not a bank director." to. He was an am'bitious youth, the Isn't the lover who braves th e storm .simple life was not fo.r him. He was a rain-beau? determined to go upon the sfage. His It doesn't require an axe to cut an persistence won the day. He now acquaintance. drives the stage b tween Upham's Cor- Corn on the cob is more acceptable ner and Newton Center.-From No- than corn on the foot. vem·be r Farm Journal. There is no impropriety 'in using a spring wagon in the fall. It isn't very long before the "good [ellow" i,s a poor fellow. " Tomen are vain, but men ar e much more so and wi'th far less r ea~on. Many a man is in great fear that he will get all that is coming to him. Vl e not-ice that most people who are consumed by curiosity still sur– vive. If our mistakes teach 'llS nothing it were hardly worth while to make them. A horse is no't of any use un til it is broken, but it is diff erent with a plow. Though we may never have lost any, moc:t of us are looking for money all the same. A hen will spend a whole day get- ting up an egg that a hungry man A TOOTHSOME DITTY. Exi, tence in this vale of tear s is very like some brands of beers-a foamy froth delights 'the eyes and sw€,Jl s the drink to steinway size– but wh n one t ri es to drink the stuf f one finds i<t almost wholly fluff; a yea,r of class work nearly past, we hop e some small r esult will last- but When we put it to the "test," it van:,sihes Like all the r est, and com– foTt comes in this, thait soon we Teach VAC _TIO DLISS! As One Who Knows. Figg-Does yc-' . .ir grocer sell his ap. ples by the barr el? Fogg-Well, they come in barrels, but what he sells them by is the top layer. Keep a Secret Easily. Most women can lrnep a secret-go- can eat in a minute. lng.-Lippincott's Magazine. Here is a good question for lyceums to discuss this winter: "How much is enough?" \Vhen you buy a balky horse you may not pay for any harness, but you will be sure to get a halter. The wise man does not let his wife lwar ·him lJOast that he is a good ALL C. C. STUDENTS STOP AT • I • The ... managPr; f'he knows better. People's Don't wait for suc·c:ess to come in Barber Shop youl' yard. Gl'ab it by the collar and yank ii im,ide the gate. Wm. McCoy, Prop. Stra1iger· "('an you direct me to a Barber Block Xenia Ave.