The Gavelyte, January 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE The C. C. Basket ball team left Wedne day the 15th for a three days tri1, to New Lextington, Junction City and New Straitsville. Kodaks and kodak supplies at Nagley Studio. Eleanor Kyle, riding along the Columbus pike (we do not know with whom) said; "Thi is a 'Galvanizied' pik e, isn't it ?" She meant well but was slightly mixed with her vocabulary. Someone seeing Kathleen Putt working a new table doth asked if she had a ''Future Chest" too. Kath leen repli ed, in an innocent tone of voice, "No, I haven't got one yet." Raymond, do you take the hint? Phil D . Dixon '12, was a visitor at the chapel exerci es, January 8th. Wendell Foster, who has been sick with throat trouble and who had an opera– tion, Friday, January 17th is reported to be getting r1 long nicely. It is to b e hoped that he will be able to start back to college by the first of the ~econd semester. Get your Kodak, Developing and Printing done at The Nagley Studio. [I) WWJ Nl6~1Ullb- [I) WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY-THEMERRIAMWEBSTER GlJllllllllllll!IIIlllllllllillllllll!lll!llllJlllil!Dmmmm11lll!lll!lllll!llllll!lll!I~ Coversevery field of knowl- f;'lllllllIIIIllllllWllllllllllI!lllll!llllilllammilmmmlilI!lllllllllllllmmmlllIDllllIIIJ/ll Because it is th~ only n~W ---- unabridged dic– tionary in many years. Gives just the accurate, up– to-date information you so often wish. A single vol– ume containing the pith and essence or-an authori– tative library. Because your needs de– ---- mandthehigh– est editorial scholar• ship. Ed.inchief,W.T. Harris, Ph.D., LL. D., Former U.S. Com. of Education. Because 400,000 --- -,Words defined. 2700 'Pages. 6000 Illustrations. edge including Agriculture, Architecture, - Art, Chemistry, Electricity, : Fiction,Forestry,Geography, Law,Mathematics, ll'lcchan- - ics,Medicine,Music.Mytho!– ogy, Physics, Syn11nyim, etc• • Because i~ is the o'!t 9 die– ---- t1onary wit h the new time- saving divided page. Because it has been tested, -~~-approDed, and accepted by leaders in the world's activities. Because !~ &!~is!~~~~ Let us tellyou about this supreme authority for - all who use English. P/ R lTE tor specimens of th6 new divided page, illustrations, etc. If you men ti t>n this pubhc:,,tion, we will send FRE'.6, c, set of pocket maps. G.&C.MERRIA!Y.l CO., rind1cld. Mass.• U.S.A.