The Gavelyte, January 1913

l.F DAI' VILLE COLLFC :. 5 gangs roamed through the city secur- Fu N ! ing men to man the ships of war which Jay in the harbor. And it was not an unusual sight to see prize "I c> nvy that woman who is s ing- vesseis being towed into port as when ing." the Shannon and the Chesapeake "Why, I d·on't think much of he r came slowly in after their memorab1e voice." battle off the coast of 1assacµuselts "Oh, it isn't her voice I en vy. It's with "their scuppers runn,ing red" as h r nerve."-Toledo Blade. the sailors swabbed the decks. T acher (to new scholari-How does Those were the glory days of Hali- it happen that your name is All en fax for Haligonians love excitement, and your mother's name is Brown? mHitary pomp, the gaudy splendo·r of Little Lad (after a momen t's royalty, the beat of drums and t·he thought)-Well, you see, it's this way. clash of arms. Halifax now seems She married again and I d!idn't. slow because it busies itself principal- "Wer e the commencement exer- ly with the prosa,ic problem of mak- cises interesting?" ing a living. But because of its past "Very. The time was divided be– associations, its beautiful situation, its tween advice from public men on the still dominant martial atmo~phere, it selection of a car eer and suggestions has a pecul.iar and abiding interest. fr om graduates on bow to run t he government."-W·asbington Star. Fift e en Dollars ------- 30 0 Suits and Overcoats $18, $20, $22 and $25 Values Choice $15 All Sizes from 34 to 48 Every garme n t of this sea son's make. Nesbitt & Weaver Main St., Opp. Court House Xen ia, Ohio.