The Gavelyte, January 1914
THE GAVELYTE VOL. VIII JANUARY, 1914 NO. 4 Common Courtesy. (Editor'·s N'ote:-The following a 1 rtic l2 ,by a ce rtain g ntleman is wiritten in a frieil.'dly spirit seekinJg to point nu t s,ome fall'lts w'hicll shlOul,d be co•rirected. It 1will •be foUowed nex,t 1mont1h Ly an article dealiD'g with similar matters among· the boy,s.) I have always maintained t hat th e Ccidiarville g irl s a re to use a slang expres•sil() n-"the best ever ," antd am rf'acly and anx ious to de– fend them when necessary. Yet tihe r e are time" I ·fear they forge t the higih ideals for w·hich they stand and caus e •the boys to be some– what skeptical about 1tiheir sirucerity. One of these tJimes mig'hlt 1have 1been ,se n at a r ec·ent number of this sea"'on's lectu r e cou•rse. My seat was S'O sit uatE:d tha,t L could not but observe 'the actio ns of several of ,t,he co,l!ege gfr ls durin,g the evening. If t•hey had 1 wanted to visit W'it h the ir g~n tl clfilen friends , J can not, for the life of me, s•e e why they had to oome to so pubHl~ a place to entertain them. Th€y lrnp,t up a -:·o n tin ua l whis•pering and giggling 'througihout the whole eve ruin,g to cbe great annoyance of those wl.o were so unfortunaLe as to have seats n ear them : One elderly lady, who was much 1 interec:1tetd in th e etl't 2rtainment a.nd who sat there end 1 avoring It o catch every note of the concer t, gave one of the girls a reproving look wthi,c'h was only l 1 he cause of g reater .me r– riment. I do not say that l!he· y,oung me n were not al faul,t, yet the fa<:t remains that •if the young lad•ies bad' f,rowncd upon t h e an1ics or their friends the boys ,would soon ·have beEn qu iet 1 &-t leas,t. BESides the whispe1,ing' and 1 gigglirug- ea·<,h c·oup 1 e was, fortified againf't hunger by a ,box of candy or wads of gum. None of the en– tertainments of th cour se are s 1 0 lon,g that we need a lun ch durting the v ning. If th y w re, there would be a tin1e provided for the meal. •.More than tlmt it is not good form to eat in plllblic gat,h rin1gs of thaL sort. If you are so fortunate as to rec ive a b'Ox o.f ca nd y , and I Jwpe you ar ) do not parade it before lh P public and most of all do not at it in the o•pera hou,se. Tlw conduct of th girl.; tin th corridors is 1 anoth r matter to hic·h I wish to call attention. I would not in any mann r wan t to
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