The Gavelyte, January 1914
2 TI IE AVELYTE 1 s 1 en <the fun you C'an 'hav in the lhaUs, only b car fnl in your ex– citem nt n'Ot to ov -r st p tJhooo ~ines· of lady-like conrlu'C.1. whiC'h uipon sob r second thot you bold so dear. W 1 hien I see th imad ruslh <for back s t ats as tho your s curing ,a. ,pa"sing grade depended entirely upon your pbysi'c al powers of str ng,th and, speE'{! in securing a rea.r s at. I ah ay1 r el that you, for bhe ,prns ent, at lea,st, have lost sight of Y'Ollr id als. And mo!" t of all whetJher tin lhaJll or class,room 1be 1 careful of your abtitude toward the lbo)"s. Be friendly witJh ·t'he,m, lbut always keep in mind that the boys resent ,familiairiity even i,f they do seem to en– oourage it. They are qukk to recognize, the line wh ere !friendliness ·becomes familia,rity and wHl never over-step the liine jf you will s 'b.ow them that it is •.o 1 be observed. Therefore, girl s, be carefu l of your conduct for on your conduc t wLtl de,peud in a large measure the conduct of the boys. ,Give them to under"tand that you a,dimire a gentleman and that you expect th£1111 to ,at least .re,spect lady,Hkre oonduct. Keep t'be flag of y'Our id€-als high and never aHow it ,dm'ing •t'he excitement of ·the mome.n.t to be trampled in the mud. Your flag wtill never 1 be 'higher than you your– s•elf rai,se it, and never allow it to !be an inoh lower than you can fly i,t. AN OBSERVER. Who's Who Among the Alumni. 11. Rev . J. A. Orr. Rev. John. A\lvin Orr, of the cl.rus.s -0f 1897, is another among th<! many gra.durutes of iCeida.rviUe College who are making ,an impr,ec,s u.pon <their day and generation. He was :tiorn in Ced 1 arvil1-e, Ohio, Sei>– temb er 7, 1874, his p,arents ,beting Jarrnes <R. and Jiose,ph:ine (ILibtle) ·Orr. He attended· tlhe C£darville 1puibHc ,s-cihools, gr,adua1ting from the High S ohool in 1893. He attended the prepa,ratory de,partmen,t of Woositel' Uniivers1Hy one year. 1When Ced 1 arville ,college ·beg·an its ,first s·esssion on September 19, 1894, he was one of it.he first ,s·tudents, entedn& lthe Sophomore year. He was one oif the ~oun!ders of the Phi,ladelphian 'Uiterary Soc'iety, all!d reopre",enite•d 1Ms society successfully on deblite a t tJhe inie!I'-s·o'Cliety ,contest .in June, 1896. He ,graduated in the classi- 1cal course at the :firs,t commen~erment in Junie, 1897. iHe then spent three apd one-half yieairs a,t tih.e Ne1w ISC!hool Reformed Presfby,te'l"ian ,S,e,m'inairy at Plhi1aide,lphi.a, Ba., fin1s'hing lth.e 1'ast 'half )"ear and gr.aid– uating from the U. P. 1 Seminary at Allegheny, Pa., in HJOl. While in
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