The Gavelyte, January 1915
. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 15 Fine Tailoring IS OUR ISSUE One price to all, fit guaranteed Visit our shop and be convinced. Our Scissors are Sharp And Razors Keen And when you meet a gazer he'll know you have been there. BridgeBarber Shop J b K The Tailor QCO any, Xenia, Ohio. Wall~-Over Shoes --FOR- MEN OR WOMEN $4.00, $4.50 and $5. 00 Other Makes $2 .00 to $6.00 When you want a perfect lit see us, as we use the Foot-0-Graph system of fitting and carry widths AAA to EE. MOSER'S s~~~~ XENIA, OHIO J. W. McCoy The Up-to-Date Barber Sho p Sanitary, Satisfactory Work Guaranteed . Above Hom e <Jl0t1Ji11g Sto re. THE WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY FOUNDED BY '!'HE GENERAL A~SE.M:BLY, 1K25 . A complete modern theological curriculum is offered to students of all denominations. Elective courses, leading to the degree of B. D. Exceptional library facillities. New dormitory with students' commons Gymnasium and athletic grounds. For information, apply to President James A. Kelso, Ph. D., D. D. N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
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