The Gavelyte, January 1915
The Gavelyte VOL. IX JANUARY, 1914 NO. 4 Cedarville Clolege and the New School Law. Many of the grad uates and former 1devoted to regular coll ege work, and students of Cedarville College have the removal of the College to another taken up teaching as their chosen ,community, where 1 better facilities work and many preEent students are lCould be obtained for conducting a looking forward to the same profes- lnormal training s·chool in which the sion. The College 'has always sent teachers-in-traiining might obtain the out fine teachers who have been high- quired by the law. These changes ay efficient and successful and have \were considered too radical to 'be obtained the recognition they have seriously ·contemplated. merited by their ability and 1 hard Nevertheless it ·was deemed impor- work. tant that rnme measures should 'be During t,be past six or seven years adopted, whereby the stu;dents and the College has paid special atten- graduates of ICedarviHe College, who tion to the training of teachers, main- wish to teach should have the advan– taining separate courses of stu 1 dy to tages of the training and certification meet their needs. Therefore when provided under the new state 'law. the new state law was adopted re- Consequently a J.)lan was devised by quiring professional training on the which these obj ects can be secured part of those who expect to teach, in even a more effective manner than ,there was no thought but that the •Col- if Cedarville were to establis:11 its own Iege should pi oce ed to establish such no rmal training department. This a normal dPpartment as would meet plan has been put into execution by with the requirements of the state law arrangements recently made between and the approval of the state superin- Ceidarville Colle,ge and the State Nor– tendent of vuhlic instruction. mal CoIJege of Ohio University, at However, it wac; found upon investi- AthenP, Ohio. This ,plan 'in brief con– :gat·on, tllat the establishment of such templates the first part of the teacher a dP.partmE.nt would be practically im- training course being given at Cedar– possible wilhoul the diversion of at ville and the continuance and comple- 11east a large vart of th funds now tion of the ,vork in the State Normal
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