The Gavelyte, January 1915
THE CAVELYTE Coll g . ln Ccdarvi:Je ('allege will J,e giv n largely the acad mic part of the courses and such professional worl{ as i least out of harmony wit!'\ tne reg– ular collegiate courses. In t,1:) >lor– mal allege w iP be given the mr,re special adva!l<'Nl technical profe ·:.i;on– al work wge~ber with actual ,>l>.51:;rva– tion and prac.;tice teaching. The arrangements made with the 1 ormal College include several par– ticulars as follows: 1. Graduates of Cedarville College with the bachelor's degree will be per– mitted to finish the normal course in the State Normal Coilege r eceiving the diploma of graiduation from that .mu Pt begin thPir sc•cond Y' a r's work with the six v. eks' summer session of the . 'ormal College in order to be prepared by work in special methods an<l ia observation of teaching, for th= wor!{ in practice teaching which must begin in the fall. 4. Also beginning- in September, 1915, a course will be offered leading to the degree of Bachelor of ArtQ tA. B.) from Cedarville College, to the 1degree of Bachelor of Science in Edu– cation (B. S. in E.) from the State l ormal ColJege, and to a four-year observation and practice-teaching re– provi ional state high school certi– ficate, which after twenty-four months institution, the degree of Bachelor of of successful teaching will be con– Science in Education (B. ,SL in E.), verted into a state life high school and a state provisional high school cert;fic3.te. Three years' work of this certificate good for four years all course will be given ·in Cedarville Col– over tbe state and convertible into a lege and one year's work in tbe State state life high school certificate after Normal College. But in addition the twenty-four months of successful ~tudent must spend two summer terms teaching. of six weeks each in the Normal col- 2. Past and future graduates and lege in ord2r to be prepared by work studentc: of ,Cedarville College will be in Ppecial methods and observation of given credit in all courses in the State teaching for the practice teaching of ormal College for all work done in the fourth year of the course. Cedarville College that is at a,11 l)ar- Cedarvi1le College and its students allel with the courses given in the and graduates are to be congratulat– Normal College. d upon these most advantageous ar- 3. Beginning September, 1915, the rangements with the oldest and larg– first year's work in a two-year normal est Slate Normal College in the com– course will be given at Cedarville and monwealth. Ohio University, of the secon 1 d year's work in the Normal which the Normal College is a part, is College at Athens. Graduates of this a most excellent institution, heavily course will receive the diploma of endowed and liberally supported by graduation from the State Normal the state of Ohio, beautifully located, College and a state elementary provi- splendidly equipped, doing a magnifi– .sional certificate good for four years cent work and with a glorious hi"tory all over the state, and convertible aft- to its credit. The tuition in this in– er twenty-four months of rnccessful stitution is free, and the living ex– teaching into a _state elementary life p::nses are within the means of the certificate. Students in this course a.-erage Cedarville student.
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