The Gavelyte, January 1915

4 TI I · ~AV LYTE PROF. LEROY ALLEN, PH . 8. The subject of our sketch, one of the most l)opular teachers in Cedarville College, was born in ·wooster, !Ohio, December 6, 1878. He graduated from the high school of his birthplace in t h e spring of 1898. Soon after that he entered the emp:{ly of the 'Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a painter and bridgebui1'dter , with whom he worked four years. He then entered the University of ·Wooster, from which h e graduated in 1906. ,Vhile he was in cqllege he was for three years a membe r of the niversity dEbating team, me£t:ng 0. ·W. U., W. Va. U., and W. & J. on the forum with honors to h imself and •his own C{lllege. He was also editor of The Temple Court, a local church })aper, and editor-in-•chief of th e "rooster Voice, the college weekly. He was chosen by the faculty out of a class of sixty seniors as one of the speakers to represent his class {ln commencemen t day. Profes– sor A,len has takEn post-graduate work two summe r s in the Unive r– sity of v\Tooster, two summers in Vi' i~consin University, and two summers in the University of Chicago. 'He •has been offered a fellow– ship twice in "Tisconsin niversity. His home congregation loves him an 1 d1 among other honors com-