The Gavelyte, January 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 mitted to him the swperintendency of the Sabbath school. He has held a Hke position of trust in the 1 Cedarville United 1Pre1:by·terian congrEgation for three years. 'He showed both perservance and 1 ca– pa;bility by pursuing and comp'leteing the Theological 'Course in Xenia Seminary, while at the same time 'he carried on his work as ·secre– tary to the Faculty and 'Profe.s,sor in 1 Cedarville CoHege. ·He grad– uated from the .seminary in 19'14. · He was licensed to preach in the Xenfa presbytery of the United :Presbyterian church in the spring of 1914. He was happily married August 19, 1914, to Mif's 1Etthel Jeanette Boydi, a charming young woman, and a ,popular te·acher in East Liver– pool, Ohio, schools. In 1906, he was elected Harper 'Profes,sor of Econorni'cs and Soci– ology in Cedarville 'College and Secretary of the 'Fa 1 culty in 1909, and chosen instructor in the Wooster ·summer 8'c'hool in 1912, where the is engaged for next year. IHe was elected 'by the 'Superintendents of the Reformed Presbyterian 'Theological Seminary to the ,Chair of Instruc" tor in Homiletics and Biblical Theology in 1913. 'He holds and ac– ceptably fills all of thef e positions. 1 Profess•or Allen, yEt a young .man, has accomplished much for 'himself, others, and especially Ce– darvHle 1 College. Our hope is that he 'Will live 'long and crown eaC'h year with the attainment- of his spl~n 1 d1id ideals. Alumni Notes. '00 Mrs. Clark ·(Mis,s !Nellie 1 Lewis) of Pittsburg, -Pa., spent Christ – mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Lewis, of CLifton, 0 . '99 We learn with deep regret of t'he death of Mr . Slonaker in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Slonaker (Mis·s ·c1ara Belle Conner) and cbill:fren are spending the winter with her ,relatives, near James– town. '01 Ur. Mcchesney is in receipt of ,a book entitled "'Plane Geom– etry and Practical Problems" edited by Newell ,and Harper. Mr. Newell ,is instructor in matheJJllatics in •Evanston, !11., and Mr. George Harper is superintendent of the schools -in Kennilworth, Ill. Mr. 'Har– per is a graduate of 'Cedarville CoHege and has 'been a very succes,sful t"aeher. The book is a very fine production and we congTatulate Prof. Harper. Cedarville College will use the new geometry next .semester. '02 As announced previously in this column, Miss Mary Ervin has J.Jeen elected to an1d, accepted the position or National •Secretary of the Young People's Branch, a department of the W. ,c. T . U. for work among tb,, young people. Miss Ervin has been closely associated with the college ever since 11er graduation, being a professor in the in-