The Gavelyte, January 1915
6 TH AVLLYTE Ptitntion for se, (It nl yenr , ancl is now thC' Dean of \Vomen . ShP will leav fol' C'hic·ago in a few day", where Rlle wi'J have an office in the National Headquarters of the W. C. T . U. We are sorry to lose her presence and influence in t h e ollege, but we can not but congratulate her upon the broader f ld of usefuln .-. ss which bas been opened to hn. '03 Mi«s Lulu Henderson visited the Coll Ege during the chapel exercises on January 8. She presEnted the conditions •of the Tem– pernnce fa;rny C'cnt 0 r,t which is conducted annually by the \V. C'. T. U., and invited the students to enter ,it. Several of oul' students have competed in former years, Mr. Earl McClellan, '13, winning the state prize of $50 in 1911. '06 Miss Louise Smith, a graduate of the Art Institute, Chicago, Ill., and Instructor in Art in Cedarville College last year, has been chosen to instruct in t:te Art Ins t." tute. It speak« well for the abili ty of Miss Simith and we extend congratulations to her. '09 Miss Ju .ia Harlison, Columbus, 0., enjoyed 'New Year's Day with Rev. and Mrs. Ernest McClellan (Jeanm:tte Orr)) Moundsville, vVest Virginia. '11 We are glad to announce -that Rev. Woodbrildge Ustick, pas– tor of the United Presbyterian Chu r ch, ,New 'Kingston, N. Y., who was forced to take a vacation on ac count of ill h-eaith and later un– derwent a deli cate operation on his nose, is E-trn.dily improving. 'Rev. Ust:ck ,and wife (Miss ,Lydia Turnbul'.) are now at the home of her par– ents, n e-ar Cedarville. We hope that soon they will 'be able to r eturn to their home anl:l work in 'New 'Kingston, 'N. Y., where they have al– ready made many warm fr,iend s, who are anxious for th r ir retu rn. '12 On December 22 Miss Grace !Beckley became the bride of Mr. PhH Dixon, at ,the home of her par ents in 1 Ch ester, Ill. About forty friend·s and relatives of the brid al pair witnessed the ceremony. After January 10 they will be at home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Mr. Dixon ;s employed as the finan cial agent of Henry Kendall ,College. The Alumni of Cedarville ·College Extend congratulations to Mr. and 1)1:rs. Dixon. M-iss Vera Andrew. '03, student in Co.Jumbia University; Miss Agnes ,Stormont, '03, instructor in high ,chool, Indiana Ha.rbor, 1m:iana; Mr. Fred Bird, '10, pr."ncipal of the high school, Jamestown, -Ohio; Mr. Andrew Creswell, '10, student in Allegheny Theological Seminary, P ittsburg; Mr. Ralph Hill, '1 0, studfnt in the Carneg,le Technical In– stitute, P.ittsbur!?'; Mr. John Stewart, '11, studen,t in the College of Musi c, 'Cincinna ti,; .Miss Ila ·Ramsey, '12, princ,ipal of t h e high school, Seville, Ohio; Miss :Bertha Anderson, '13, teacher in public f' C·hools. Selma, Ohio : :.\Iiss Hazel Lowry and Miss Clara Boase, '14, instru ctors ,in tbe high s r.hoo1, Amelia, :Ohio, and Mis·s Nancy Finney, 'J 4. pr~nc ipa! of tbe high sch-001, Bellbrook, Ohio, spent the vacation with parents and friends in •Cedarville. Prof. J . Raymond Fitzpatrick, '04, instructor in chemistry In the University of Pennsylvania. vis ited parent!::', n ear Xenia. :Messrs. vVt'ndal anJd ETne"t ;Foster. students in Lane Tbeologka1 E'troinary, Cincinnati, vis.fled parents in ·Clifton . Ohio. )Tiss Grnce ·::vrorton, '14, instructor ;in Do:mestic Science, 'New K ensington. 'Pa., spen t the h ol idays with her mother in Xen ia , Ohio.
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