The Gavelyte, January 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 7 She-What do you want for Xmas? Hutchison-Oh, I hope Santa wiiII bring me something wrapped in a waist and skirt. She~Oh, you dou't have to wait until Xmas for that! She-Cameron and David bid Blanch Turnbull an affectionate and soul-satisfying farewell when she left for Miami. He-Where? On the t rain? She~No, on the cheek. Wilmah-1Say, did you think Miss was pretty? Mildred C---lNo. She hald hair just like yours and fixed it just like Ada's. Several of the college s tudents took supper with Mr. and Mrs . Earl Mc1CleI1an. Some (of the girls) became very enthusiastic over marri€d life. The annual Senior entertainment will 'be given •February 18. It will consist mainly of an entertainment by Major R. 'H. Hendershot and son. Some local talent will also appear on t·his date. Adlm:is– sion, 25c. If you happen to smell smoke on any of the girls, don't judge hastily and accuse them of having been with some intemperate young man, but just remember that Hutchison & Gibney are having a fire sale. On J,anuary 6th a mome was chucked under the ldlQor of Miss Creswell's room and another under the door of M,lss Holiday's room. The one in the French class sat there dazed until H received a poke !rO!IIl the rear with a pencil. As it was strictly an American mouse it became shocked a.t the smothered exclamations of "Mon Dieu" and exited rather abruptly. The one in the German class had a different xperic nre. It caused Miss Wright 'I'o run with fright 'For fear t'wouild1 bite. Mildred Corry always has some pop corn. Wonder if she fed Earnc,st pop corn so be would pop the question? Two of our college stud nts went 1East for their vacation, Mr. Dwlgl1t Rtf·rr<'tt visiting fr! nds in !Pittsburg and Mr. 'llarry Bird visit– Ing fr'« ud<; in Tarentum.