The Gavelyte, July 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE I I .·hall foe] deeply offended if any one of vou, being pcrmitt<'d, shall :fail to return to us with just such another nscc;R::w:C' next summer. Miss Hazel Lowry, Latin tGacher of thP high school traininJ?.' <:Jass, Jett, "'\1onday the 19th , for an ::tutomohi!e trip t o v;r;2:inia. Misf; 1 o•,\T=· will h['ve an 0 11 ting 0 nviahlc for ;t, be;;i.11'"ifrl scenery . Amc. ng- those who 2xpN·~ to rPreiY~ th f ,h tc P rovisional Hi ;h ~chovl CE>1·Lfi ate at the end of tlie sn,,ir.:er " rm ar": Mr. Cecil Burns, Mr. H r.:;_--:.·y F . Bird and Mr. Freel B;rd. This certificate ren- ~lers the hold<'r eli-;ible to teach in any h ·2,;1 school of the state \Y ilhout fu rll'<'l' cxc1mi na ion. Mr. Fred Bi··d '10, former principai of the hi gh school at Jamec:– town, has :icccp1 cd a similar position at P:Jtaska l::t. His new position is more advan1 a eons both f, nanciallv ancl otherwise . The many 1,oints of ·hiRtoric and present-day interest and beau– tiful nature ne~r 'Cedarville have beeP favorite attractions for summer school B~udents. Both our own cliffs aPd Clifton and the beautiful eff Park at Yellow Springs have heen the scenes of stu– clent picnics while the Whitela,,, Reid homes .0:ict, Wilberforce, Antioch Chautauqua and Xenia have all been centers of interest. Professor Alberta CreswPll attended the National C. E . conven– tion at Chica'.2'0 as a p['_rt of her summer "::1.Cation. Mr . Cecil Burns has been elected to the principalship of the orth Ro~:alton hig:1 i;,chool, near Clevelann. He will take up his work the1 e in the early part of SeptP.mber. BUY YOU ~1 FURNITURE IN XENIA AT ADAIR'S Yl>lll' good:,; t Ile same day purchased . Xenia, = = = Ohio White Star Pearl Laundry All WORK GUARANTEED obert Di on, Agt.