The Gavelyte, July 1915

12 TI IE GAVELYTE " THE KID PARTY" Edit.or:- 1 otc-The following letter ,vas handed t.o "The Gaw- 1. L " for publicaLion shortly aflcr the "Kid Party" helrl durin,~ 11.P pring Term of school. · D ar Friend: . You remember I told you about two months ago we ·wern plar. – nmg to have a party. Well, last weex 'TuPsday. we decided we would have it at Helen's house that ni~ht Course WP <lid not let Llw boys know w \YCl'f' g-ettin : r0ady or anyLhin<.;. Hcl n's p~1pa c·ame to t.own after us on a great big wag·vn, and. my, but we had fun try– ing to keep still so the boys wouldn't h<'DJl' 11s, but we got out there all right. We were all so hungry a Ctcr our ride, we wanted some– thing to eat rig·ht away, so Helen said we mirrh1- as well have it first as last, and then, you know, if anybody should happen a.long who had not been invited, and thot they'd like our eats, they wouldn't have a chance to get them, then, would they? So they told us -'.-o sil down close 1 og·ethE>.r, so they could pass things to us easy. You ought to hiwe been there! We had the best stuff to eat! We had brown su,,·ar and .iell _v r.;andwiches , and animl'll crackers, (my, but we were tick!ed to ~;et them), and cookies and orangeade, and big s 'icks of candv and ice-cream con(M}, an of them we could possibly eat! B11t some of the kids didn't have any manners at all! Why they .fussed for thf' first rrlass of oraw··eade, and Philip McCann asked for ice-cr"::tm in thP. middle of the fi.Tst course! Then we went out in the yard, in the moonli<;ht, and played a whole lot of nice rran1es . like dare-you-out. cat-and-mouse, hide-and– seek, statue, poison, little Sally Walker. drop-the-handkerchief, and some of them got a great big board and played teetn-totter. Then we went in the house again, and played school. The teach– er had an awful time with some of the scholars. Ethe1inda Gobble– oyster and Philip McCann were the worst.est ones. A little red– headed girl came in late and they hollered out, "Red-head. red-head," right in school. That made her cry, so they called her "pink-head," cause they said pink was stylish this year. After ,vhile teacher wanted to know if we didn't want to sin1; something. Sc, we all sang "Tipperary," the new son2,· the music teacher gave us WE>.Ck before n:tst. We were settling <lown to work, when the door opened and six or eight horrible lookin!r people came in at the door, who we thot tramps at first, and some of the .girls got awful scared, but after while we found out they were just some of the boys come to break up our party. When we found that oet, we went on with our school, but it was about time for recess. At recess we went out doors and found an an omobile out h front, so about fifteen or twenty of us got in and made thP shofer (is that the way you spell it?) take us a ride. It surely was a Packard! While we had recess, the boys w~nt and hunted for somethin g to eat (course that's what they came out for) . But most of the eats were gone, and all they got was what we 'iidn't want. Most of us were ge'-1 in2,· sleepy by tlu1 t: time. we had been there so long and played so hard, we wei-·e tirPd. But we thot we would show those boys ,ve could have :ci good time by ourselves , so we played some more games, and didn't af'k them to at all, even if they did look like they wanted to awful barl. Then ,\'e thot we better go home, br we wouldn't want to p·et up the next da.v. sn WP all clim h,.,d onto the big wagon again, and Helen's papa took us back home. We sure did have a dandy time, '.:l.ncl ho1)P there'll be anot:her party soon. Write and tell me all about the good times you girls have. Yo1-1r lovin.~ couc::;in, PEGGY.