The Gavelyte, July 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 17 in attendance TWO presidents of Cedarville colleve. Dr. David Mc– Kinney, re'.iring President and Prof. Wilbert R. McChesney Ph. D., in– coming_ President, both held in high regard by the v.1:aduates of Ccd2.rv1lle. They represented ,these men, the success of the past and the hope of the future for our Alma Mater. Dr. McKinney conserv– ative. wise in management of materials at. hand, has made' our past sec 1 ~·e ::>nd soundly lai 1 the foundaUons of fu ~1.Ee ~uccess. Dr . Mc– Chesney, drern:ier as Y ell as ;practi, builder, holcfr1;; our hop3s f or a more ag:gresrve future policy; these were among; Lie interesting and significan t circumstances before the e:re of the thoughtful on tJ~e occasicn of which we write. And over :ill brooded the spi:·it of Cedarvi1le's a,, akening consciousnesis of destiny, the steady, !;' ron rthing- beat of heart that tells of a doubtful crisis past. of a life turnin<; toward t he tide, of an eye opening toward the light and to– ward the mornin~ of opportunity. Tn our ears, friends of Cedarville, for our inspiration rings the great sentence of the poet- "Free, 1ie;ht, and sane is thy will. And it will be base not to art at its bidding. Wherefore I crown and mitre thee lord over thyself." PHILADELPHIAN INKLINGS. The programs. of the Philadelphian socie:y this year have _proven ronclus;velv that Cedarville Collegp and especially that part which was wise enough to join the Philadelphians is not lacking in orators, dehaters, de,elaimers and musicians. We. (in the editorial sense) have paid to hear productions of less quality than are staged bi-weekly up in the Philadelphian Hall ri~ht under the inspiring( and some– times dirtv) nose of "Billy" Shakespeare. -A good way to learn how to make money is to consult the Philo president, who will gladly explain thefr plan upon application. It consists merely of keeping an eye on the members you wish to spot, ::ind if they bat an eyelash the wrong way, fining them twenty-five c-ents for misconduct. --Example of an extraordinary coincidence: All the globes on t:he man' 1es and all the panes in the windows at the same -time. -The Phi!adelphian Society has been blessed during the year wi i,h the best of critics, among the most notable of which has been Rev. Mr. A.ll0n. May his tribe decrease! -Tl-ic Phi1os have cured the flagrant :flir:ing between the Presi– dent and Rccre'"arv by electinP,· a male Serre'. nrv, thus taking away a temptation 1 o which even the best pr<->sident may succumb. Cau– tion! 1'hi.,:; ;d,..,<t is nat nted' All infrinq;eMents l)l'Osecuted! -Con£ohtion (?) for later comers: If von're tardy your girl is ; oo, and 1 he only gallant act is to pay her fine whether you waited half an h ur in Lhe parlor or not. --No' ice!!! Anyone, wishing to hear t)~e most eminent corneth;t in ],is line <->11c;t of t1'e Rockies please attend one of the Philo pro– ' 1·ams when Mr. McClure plays one of his inimi:able solos. ' -The main trouble v. ith Mr. Duff's c·riticism is that he is too modes+. -The Philo society ha::; d ci<led tha'c the ~1·cmcnc.lous volume of business which it tranrncts is !-:o extrem<'ly :mpor+ant and of such \'i• al lltorncnt that it will not h1·ook non-rr Pm hcrR in business meC;t– ings. Strangers! beware of infringing thi s rul or the wrath of