The Gavelyte, July 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 19 kno, ·s ho,Y old. Then ,ve all turned our attentions to the glorious repast which .vas a veritable assembly of good things. as appealing to our appe– tites as ~he beauties of nature were to our aesthetic senses. At length \.Ye issued forth from the sylvian retreat and resumed our journey-this time tovvard Clifton. one of our flourishing suburbs, there to be delightfully enter~ained by the "Mirth Makers" from one of Ol!'' s.i ste:!.· colleges. Truly we h'd a fe:1.s~. of reason and flow of t1te soul. And, altho' the fat weather was undoubtedly hard on the hot folks, we fe lt that this was truly a red-letter day in our gay vonng lives and one of tb.e many things which shall endear us to our "Dear Old Cedarville." LOCAL HITS. Dirdie (playing three deep)-Come, "Babe," you've lost your wife. You harl ],etter hurry. Miss Lunn--Yes. he has. That OU!rht to bring him. B.-Well, well, I didn't think you vrnuld own up to it. Misi- L.-Tr.;i.ess 1 have but I cUdn't intcr<l to. "Really, Eula," said Josh, in considern.hle a 0 ;i.tation, "I am very <10 1 ·n· I lost rri,r ],cad and kissed YOlJ. I dich,'t 1hirk what I was doing. It is a sort of temporary insanity in our :f;'a,.nily." "vVell. :rosh;' replied the fair one, "if ,.•ou eyer feel any more su~h a':tack·~ coming on, you had better come right here,, where your infh·mity fr, known and we will take c:: of you." Mr. "\ /lv•c 1 e,· i::; very much in d0manc1 at \Yeiner ro~.sts , for he is an expert at bui!din9; :fir~s. "Dave" hn.s hn.d the experien ce a lri ght. Townsley Club Items. If :, ou want , ood thin£!s to cat and 11 1 cnh1 of assistance in ea,;– in r t hem, come to Mrs. To\.\rnsley's "sLar" b0al·ding house . "Pat ty" Harris-Is i: a fact. Mr M:.i.!rn.ffy, that you are en- g-a<>·ecl? "MaC'"- 0 ·1ly at meal time . For :Ueal Estate ·Investm,.,nts see "Mac." Wan'ed-A priva'. e se,rc~l'ln hy the above na 1 ned. l\1rs. Towns!ey (soliloquizin<T very dPjectC'dlv)-It is a good thing- 1 hat school closes next, week or Mr. Lytle a11cl Mr. Mahaffy would eat u , 01,'- of l' 0 '..1S'' P nd home. Question-How can one cat more when one is clear full? Answered by Gypsie-Get up and nm ar0nnd th~ table three t j ]11 (' c::: Que 1 ;tion-Why does Miss Lunn feed "Babe?" 1 nc:::" C'.l '< rl hv the whole class-Becanse he i2 so "little." Prof. Allen· (in School Mana!!;ement) - What would you do if a pupil wPnt to sleep durina; a rf>(:it~1tion. M1·. nillin({S? "Josh" (waking up on hearing· his name calle.'1-"Whv-A-A-A– wc,lJ -a-a-a-a-n-n-d-d." Prof. Allen-"I am sorry that I disturbed yon, Mr. Dillinr;s ." 1\l iPs Lunn (in domestic science)-" ow girls, I will show you }10\\' to 111ake coffee. First, let t 1 1e wa:cr 1·ome to the boiling point." Mi sf: Wil~on-Wh0n it be~ins to l"oil ],ow do yo·.1 keep it from scorching'!" Miss L.-"Just keep stirring it." There was a young student name<l White, And the way he would flil't was u !'rip ht, No content" with a few.
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