The Gavelyte, July 1915

T e Gavelyte VOL lX. JULY, 191 5 NO. 8 FUTURE CEDARVILLE. Harken, 0 ye people to a voice that comes from out the far– reaching future. I sat in the windows of Philosophic Hall at Cedarville :':Ind hr-ard the students sing. As they singing, I noted an old man coming slowly and with feeble steps, down the street. A s he approached the crowd I noticed they formed two lines. One on each rich of the s' reet. I was struck with wor,der. But, as he came still closer, my wonder was changed to admirathn and joy. For I now observed a head whose hairs were whitPned by the snows of many winters; eyes. dark and yet bright with piercing truth; and a face on which the Great Creator had stamped the marks of sincerity, iai,h, hone and charity. Then I recognized one who through the long journey of life had wrought wonderful work, by his patience, faithfulness and sincerity in impartin,, not so much the book lessons, but the great lessons that coun: out in life's great battle; whose influence had gone, not only into every state in this union of ours, hut in+o every counLry of th~ wes'.:ern hemi phere; · yes, and it has crossed the great expanse of watel' to every nation. Great does this so 1 md. But, my dear friends, 1 his is far 1 oo limited a view. As I look again into the past, I see that his influence had p-one so far as to .send many across the sea of eternity into the Haven of God's ctcrr,al resting- place and to walk the titre,•ts of gold. As I watcherl the faces of these yontJ-,s light up as he approach– Pd, I could not help but think that in il1P v0ry bottom of each heart there was joy and appreciation beyond the desc.riptive powers of ,ongue or pen. Why, you may ask? Because now, on the campus, in place of one little building, stands elevf' n lare:e ones in the shapf' 01' a larg Jetter C. Firi:;t, standing on a J,,orizontad line running north and south, and fo:rming the beginnin'l· of the: C. stands Philo– sophic Hall. Within its walls the t>"reat nroblems of Philosophy and 1ktipl,ysi('S arc unfold d. Se<"oncl ('OJnPS ChPstnut Hall, built b:v and nallled in honor of the dear old Dr. Chestnut. Jn this building-, m! n \\P.l'C trained for the mission worl·, tnd tn <'any the Go ::;pel of hrist into r v0rv land. Third in numL r com s Economic Hall, wh re, under the gnid– ir1g Jiancl or Dr. Allen "ho is still Dean of the colle,!,"e and who the) :111 love, th0' lPs:ons of EthicR, Hist.or~ and 'ocioloµ;y were sought out. Foulih is Uw Science lrnildif'g, perhapi, he larp;Pst of all. Her '" find Prof'e ss<•r Parker at thP h~ad of Physil'S and hemi s: ry. JiNP al'P la1ye laboratoi·ies for th studC'nts of Phvsies, h mistry, J' .'l'holovr, :iIPdieine in :tll its formR, and ElPetricity. UndC'r it:;