The Gavelyte, July 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE these term., "the philosophy of courtship." "si,...nifi ant " " lumy soil" and "the Nebular Hypothesis" never fail,to ca~rne a ripple wliencv~r they _are mentioned. Our most :recent acquisition is Miss Burns who ,\'as Just needed to complete our ~l'OUP. al>ont the table. It really is an illustrious group: Mr. g1cler, the busy and efficient editor of the "Ceclrus"; Mr. Duff, Freshman cbss president and col– lege shark, who isn't satisfied with l~ss than one h1,,.1dred per cent on tests. no matter how d;1ficult; Mr. J.VrcClure, profcssi nnal horn-blow, r, "'<?man-hater, eol1e 0 ·e orator, basket-ball, base-b ,11, and t0nn is-fiend; 1\1,ss Burns a11<l Miss Gm·diner, star forward-' in the girl's basket ball team; Miss Ha.:rir., voted on Halowe 'en H:e prettiest n:irl h co1- le0·e; Miss Wallace. famed afar fo.r her rl; T0siti011 which · lrn.s ce1·– t ainly stood the test, when one considers the n\imerous references to .Adams County nnd red hair which are made 'ln her presence; ·and Miss Holliday, \\ ho is always ready to laugh at a joke on herself 01· o'-hers. wl10 like:: "a lot of everything to eat.' 'and who insis'.:s that \\'e wai till sre folds up her napkin, for at Western they always haci to wait on the faculty. Of course ,,·e haven't touched on all onr- n umerous and varied charncteristics, ror ]:ave we had time to tel1 you of a ll our pkrtsant days together, and so you will just have to drop in and see us about, meal time and we will give you a hearty welcome. A FOREWORD. President W. R. McChesney, D. D. To all the readers of the Gavelyte and the friends of Cedarville College, greetings. The new duties tendered me by the Board of Trustees nt its meetin:t in the spring have impressed me with the re– Rponsibility and opportm1ity of r,he presidency of the college. The ,vork of enlarging the power and usefulness of the colle~e is before UR and calls for the fulleRt consecration and the best efforts we can put forth. The splendid spirit already shown by this community and the manifestly deep interest of the community for the ~uccess of the new aclministr~tion gives us reason to be!iPve that we shall have the hearty co-operation of the community. 'l'he many well-wishe,- of the students and graduates of the colleg-e and the pledged loyalty and co-operation of the faculty tog·ether with t}1e expressed confidence of the Board of Trustees and the congratulations received from so many in our own chnrch and sister denominations is l't matter of profound cr1·atification, but it shows not so much the interest they and yon have in vour ne'N president as U1"ir anrl ,·om· deeper 1nterest in the welfare of Cedarville College, and it is this spirit for the college I like 1o P.Cf' and which I pled!re my utmos;; noi onlv to try to retain bnt to inerease and widen. I have a faith born of my work hen• and be– g-ot1 en b>'· Him who guides all of onr affairs that Cedarville Colleo,·e has a mil!hty future for the good of ht1111anitv and 1 1 't> e;lorv of Goe\. L0t us 1 hPn giv<:> ourse1v0s to thP ma.kin~ of thP eollP~re all that it ean and ought lo be. To this end I ask the nnited nnd continuous co– operation of the Board of Trust<:>PR, facultv. stndC'nts, vraduates, l'hurehes, and all other frir>n<ls and to the sqm0 en<l I pledge my most PUl°nt>,·t ndeavors, asking the blei:;sing of C'u<l 1qJon us and all that \\ c• do f'or tlw college. 5