The Gavelyte, June 1906

THE !iAVELYTE, There are time!> when a man is de- help is valuable, when they decide frauded, his wages withheld or lower- that the \.vork or a life in that busi– ed, but that is the fault not of the ness does not suit them. In most world in general, but of individuals. cases if not all, the men who have There are times when a man robs made marked su.ccess in life or to another, possibly makes his living at whom the world owes mu~h and has the expense of others, thus gettin~ paid much, are those who have fol– in financial gain more than he is lowed one business and become spec– worth, bnt these are exception, and ialists in tbeir line. not the rule. But a requisite neceHsary to man's Man's worth is determined by four greatest worth in the world which no things, his ability or natural and ac- 1man should omit is character. The quired talents, his ambition or ener- 1fcrces that increase success and hap– gy, his perserverance or what is !piness are many, including money,· sometimes called his sticktoitiveness, friends and position; but the one and his character, including personal I thing above all others neeessary to integrity and all the characteristics real personal worth of any extent, 1s whirh make a true man. character. He who has auility, en- A man's ability includes all his ergy and perseverance combined "talent whether mental or physical, with a steadfast, upright character and he should receive pay for the makes an employe that any company same, when that ability is exercised can not lose without a financial loss for t.he world. But his ability is of- to the company and the _kind of a tPn overlooked because he lacks ener- 1man the w~rld needs to make it near– gy to ~xercise it. Many men have er a Paradise on earth. Any thrPe_– physical ability, and mental acute- without the fourth makes an unbal– ness, strength of body and a healthy anced workman, and often a financial and Round mind but becau e they failure. la ·k energy, that auility is lost and 11ut a man should not measure his the world does not usually pay for pay from the world in dollars and what is not received. cents. Men often live just for the In this must be considered man's dollar and think if they had just a perseverance. Men will work at a million or two they would be perfect- · certain trade, or follow a certain ly happy and yet J. D. Rockefeller profession until they learn that work says ''The poorest man I know of is _, anrl are just nt thr stagP where their the man who ha~ nothing hut money."