The Gavelyte, June 1906
CEDARVILLE COLLECiK He who looks only for money loses cow. In other words the cow dying sight of the greater pos ibilities open I meant no loss to him but to 'hrist's to him. I work on earth, or he expected to Many a man is to-day crying- about pay God with a dead cow, and no more wages, that he is worth more than he gets and in return will not do as much as he is able. Such a man usua lly gets more than he is worth, has no thought for his em– pl0yer and cares nf)thing for the businesR. Surh a man should stop, before he blames the world, and hon– estly consider the questions, How much am I worth, am I doing as much for the world as thE> world is doubt he skinned her and sold the hide and then gave the cat casR to the Lord. Pos ibly h saved thA horns and hoofs also. ome think that at times charity to men i~ in vain, but it always pay to be liberal toward God. No man should be content to do just as much as thP Jaw requires in labor or any thing else, that is keep– ing the mer~ letter and not the Spir- doing for me'? it of either righteousnes or Jaw, (;old hunters and wealth seekers , Phariseeism which Chri t condemned; I have been found in all ages. In Bun- nor should any man get the idea yan's ''Pilgrims Pn,gress" there is that tl.e only thing to live for is one repre:ented who has recently re- ~uney; nor sh?uld ~e b~ so parsimo- . . . · mous as to refuse his aid and means ce1ved wide notice on account of h od · t b f' th d I , " I w en a go rause is o e ur ere J{ooseve ts Muck Rake" speech. 1 or a nPedy one helped. The character is ''The man witi. the But you say that I am teaching ex– muck rake" represented as "Refusing \ travagance, that I am encouraging· _ ti) lift his eyes to celestial visions spendthrifts. No, there is a happy and persists in delving away at the medium between penuriousne.s and filth beneath his feet." extravagance, a happy medium be– One of the greate.;t faults in that tween a miser and a. spen?thrift. k' d f · th t d ft t Let us seek that medium, for ex- in ? men I:. e en en~y O • en ° tremes in anything are unreasonable - he dishonest toward hrn neighbor and unworthy of our support. Let an<l Pven to his God. I knew of I us remember that man's worth at suC'h a man who, whPn an officer of · his death is not considert"<l by thr the chureh visitrd him to roJlpct rnonry he haR laid by, but Ly the good he has done fur the world, fund~ for the ('arrying on of the thinking not 80 much of what the work of the church, said he could world owPR him bnt, what hr ,,wf's not ~ivP anything aR ht> harl Jost a the worlrl. I
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