The Gavelyte, June 1906
THE r;AVgLYTE, - --·------~--------- ----------- X.-\?IIE. I Ioward Creswell Phoebe Hanna .Jannette Orr Elmer Spahr Florrnce Williamson Mary Williamson David Brigham Dwight Liggett William Ritter John Stewart Robert Ustick Earnest Wildman Alberta Creswell 'Andrew Creswell Martha Knott William Watt Collins Williamson Kenneth Wil liarnson Martha Ander, on William Begg F,thel Ander:=.on Eula Anderson Pauline Auel .Jennie Cooper Elder Corry Frosad Dixon .John G:raham .TPnnie Murdock I~merson , haw EileC'n , mith OCCUPATION. Bumble Bee Chaser Churning (W)rit.ter Ladies Man ..,chool Mann Begg(ing) Farmer Photographer Pugili't Pianist Hc1ker Mountaineer Woman Picking Geese Distributing Letters Working(?) Cultivator Washer taying Snipe Hunter r.Jerk Waddling , tarring House Keeper Buggy riding Preacher Mower Waltzer ", tayer" F'rNling G:m:ilings ADDRESS. In the Cou rt Fishing Worm Pike. Phillie Old Stand. District 2 . y / Alberta Can. Barnyard. Club. Conservatory. Lot E. "23". Ozark . Care of young Brigham In the Barn. At home. In the shade. Corn field. Home Martha and Mary J. D's Cedarville. Mammoth Store. Los. Angles. Cinn. Crawfordsville. edarville. On the ]?arm. G:ilberts . That depends. Masher Place. Cedarville. Old frienrls of Cedarville always I Lost by E. 8haw, May 23, 11 :59 come back to the Inter-Collegiate P. ~l. a ten pot. Debates Ohmer Tate a former stud- Found by E. Shaw, May 24, 3:59 A. M. a ten spot. Pnt of thr college now express agent I , t b E h M 2 ., ' . I , pen y i1 • ._ aw, ay '±, 2:~9 at ew C'om0rstown, Ohm, was p. M. a ten pot. greeter! hy hi;~ friends nt (;pdarville I Thu, the finances vanish and "Rip'' on the 2f1th. of May. . I gets no sleep.
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