The Gavelyte, June 1906

---------------------------- MOST STUDENTS WEAR Kaufman's Good Clothes, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. Hl-21-2:~ 8 ,nth Limestone 8trPet,, pringfif'ld, Ohio. 10 per cent discount to students. SPORTING GOODS A HOME IN CEDARVILLE BATS, BALL , GLOVES, ETC. BI eve L6S, An<l Bicycle Repairing of all Kinds. Trunks & Traveling Bags VANDERPOOL, 'l'HE RELIABLE DEALER, (~reene street, Xenia, Ohio, FOR FINE PHOTOS - - ANf)-- PORTRAITS, · - r.O TO- DOWNING'S STUDIO, XP.NIA. ORTO. I Means a healthy location, a relig– ious community, good schoolH and culture of a college town. A Good Place to Locate. TOWN ANH FARM PROPERTY. SMITH & CLEMANS, REAL E8'I'A1'E Cedarville, Ohio. Directory. Prf>s . Philarli:>lphian Litf'rary 8ociet.y, ......................... .....C. G. Ware Pres. Philosophic Literary Society, .......................Fred Williamson Pres Gavel Club, .........Claude Estle Pres. Athletic As'n ...... G. C. StPwart Mgr. Base Ball Team, ..Walker Austin Prf>s. Senior Clas~........... J. A. Finney " Junior ClaRs, ..... .. L. T. rvJarshall " Soph. " .......G. Williamson " FreBh'n " ...... .K Hutchison " 8en. Prep. (;Jass, n.. l. Hrighnm