The Gavelyte, June 1907
J 105 THE GAVELYTE, , . I> - ----·--------,----,---------- ------- Oct. 10 - BryMn expresses his opin- Nov. 20- Farewell party was given ion of Josephine. (One month lat- to Miss Sara McCown. er so does Bill.) (Two mont.hs lat- Nov. 21- Finney's family Physician er so does Mac.) was called. He pronounced it pal- Oct. 15--Another accident! Whil~·~e heart. taking a quiet ride Hutch's pon Nov. 30- Cedarville 73 Springfield 0. became frightened at Dr. McChes- ec . - signs of prosperity in ney and nearly precipitated Hutch j Cedarville see The Gavelyte Vol. 1 over the stairway. Page 214. Oct. 16- Julia says she likes arms J Dec. 12-35- 19- in favor of the 0th- even i.f they are wooden and on a I er fellow. , chair. Dec. 15-The Third Hour Racket Oct. 26 - "Mr. Robert Bescher was l Club is organized with E. Hutchi- in town Friday."- The RECORD. son as an honorary member. Oct. 30 - Hallowe'en Masquerade!!! Dec. 23- "Sporty" ash decides !if~ Who can forget it- and who wants in Cedarville is too strenuous and to? retires to the farm to recuperate. Nov. 5--Scene- A dark stormy night I Jan. 2-No examinations! Oh, Joy! - raining pitchforks- Xenia Ave.' Jan. 10- Confound those tests! Oh, a lake- Splash! Splash! Splash! Slush! What is that noise? Oh! It is Jan. 14- Still they come. Lounette "waiding" tu the lecture. Jan. 15-Petition circulated to ham Nov. 5- ''Pinkey" was not at school. the Faculty reinstate the final ex- It was learhed later that he spent aminations. the day perfecting his new airship. Jan. 16- M. Hanna and Effie Craw- It is said to be built on the princi- ford get "all bound round with a ples of a bird. woolen string." Nov. 10- "Papa" Frank decides to Jan. 17- Fred Williamson wins the adopt "Mickey." Silver Medal. Nov. 11- "Hutch" tries a new board- Jan. 20--"Hutch" tries to start a ing place. I new fashion. Was it coat or Nov. 12- It is believed by some that trousers, Hutch? Prof's. Morris and Allen are mar- Jan. 22- "Bill" Hawthorne steals a ried. The report is denied. march on "Mickey" and "Mickey". Nov. 13 - It has been settled at last steals a ride on "Bill." that Spahr's hair is amber colored. Feb. 1- Mr. Turnbull expresses a de-
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