The Gavelyte, June 1907

CEDARVILLE COLLEGR. 128 SOME STUDENTS' Favorite Songs, as Gathered by Our Reporter. Bryson "I want to be your Swee t– heart." Prof. Allen "We wont get home till morning." Leroy T. - ''Wait till the sun shines Ware- Let me like a Soldier Fall." Nellie, Bye and Hye." Hutchison "In the good old sum- '' Bill" Ritter "l'he girl I left b _ mer time." hind me." Alberta "Till we meet again." "Bill" Watt •''Lf't the Women do Fern- "I'd leave my happy home the work." for you." U. Brigham - "I left because I love J osephine- "There'll come a time." you." Belle B.- " Johnny get your hair Confarr "Listen to the mocking cut." liird.'' I Verna "Whera is my wandering Waide - "Only nm~ girl in the boy tonight." world for me." Lounette - "Old Hundred. " Hawthorne- "{ need thee every Jeanette- "Why don't you g t a hour.'' lady of your own?" "Mack"- "Jo. rphine My Jo." Julia- She never came home till Fred- "Sweet (;enevieve." morning. .roe Finney- '' Down in Sunny Ten- Prof Morris ·"I do'nt like no cheap nes-;ee." man." (~owdy - "Almost persuaded." Lydia- "Bill (Bailey) won' t you "Cicero'' Marshall - "God . save please come home." the Queen." Sarah Mc.- Old Black Joe. ~'. Creswell - "[ guess that will Mable H. - Home Sweet Home. hold you for a while." Nelle- "3weetest story ever told ." E. (;. Spahr- All Coons look alike lna- "I ain't gwine ter weep no to me." G. Stewart- "You'll have to choose - _another baby now. Adams- "My old Kentucky home." F. l<'ields - "I'm up in the air about Mary." K. Williamson- -"Just One Girl." Haskin- "J's guinf> hark to Dixie." more." All- "Dear College Chums" and Auld Lang Syne . For '· 1-'rex ie:· ll co llege unce had ..\ ma II wh o was all to the ~l c•K in 11 ey by n n nw ..\ ,;inner Ly f11nw \Y e hnpe rlw ,lP:11· man won 't get mad