The Gavelyte, June 1907
13 1 'I'H F, (;-A VELYTE, Brief Biographies. D. BRIGHAM- 1, Near Blarney Castle; 2, Tried C.H. S. Went west; 3, Hus– band and actor; 4, To become a husband. Wm. WAIDE- 1, Slumber St. Sleepy City; 2, Picked itup; 3, Ladies'man; 4, To become an ass't school teacher. E. McCLELLAN- I, On banks of Little Miami : 2, That of a "Rube"; 3, To fill "Bill" Bryan's shoes; 4, To be Orr assayist. C. G. WARE - 1, Badger State; 2: west Point; 3, "High private, rear rank"; 4, Lamp post in "Noo Yawk." W. HAWTHORNE- 1 Fisbtown; 2, Had none; 3, Loafer: 4, "To sit on the bridge at midnight.'' K. WILLIAMSON- 1, Stringtown; 2, On a farm; 3, Minus; 4, To become a lit-· tie lamb. Wm. BEGG - 1, Rocky Hillside; 2, Slightly mixed; 3, Ladies' maid; 4, To ring the same door-bell more than four times. W. ADAMS- 1, Among moonshiners; 2, Dodging government officers; 3, Tu operate a still; 4, To be popular. JEANETTE ORR- 1, On the banks of the frog pond; 2, Mamma taught her; 3, Good house-keeper; 4, To be one. JOHN GRAHAM - 1, Bad La~ds; 2, Fell short; 3, Has few; 4, Get more (Moore) . J.C. MARSHALL- I, Murderer's Row; 2, Kindergarden; 3, Talk much and say little; 4, To be a florist. INA MURDO K- 1, Just grew; 2, Deficient; 3, Nurse; 4, To have a beau. ED SHAW- 1, _Kankakee Swamps; 2, Same as Lincoln's; 3, Circus attraction : 4, Mayor of Clifton. illLL RI'l"l'l:<;R- 1, "The eek;" 2, That of prize fighter; 3, Vagrant; 4. Poli– tician. Jo8EPH!NE ORR - 1, ame a i ter; · 2, Watched other>, 3, 'pinster; 4, Preacher's wife. ]Jo'. SPAHR - 1, Near the dammed creek; 2, Still to get; 3, Horse doctor: 4, 'I'o get a precipitate in chemistry. . LYmA TURNBULL 1. Fi. hworm Pike ; 2, Country school; :-3, A friend of one boy; 4, To be nearer and clearer.
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