The Gavelyte, June 1907

CEDARVILLE COLLEUE. NELL 'IEBERT - 1, Jame town; 2, hool ; 3, Good ·ompanion ; 4, ,'ymphony concert. R. USTICK- 1, olumbus; 2, Bri f; 8, Op ratic star; 4, 'l'o wed a pr acher's daughter. PROF. JURKAT - 1, 'l'ils t; 2, Too vast to num l'ate; 8, History instru('to 1• in Harvard University; 4, 'l'o wa te his time in Cedarville. PROF. FITZPATRICI< - 1, Jasper; 2, edarville; 8, Instru ·tor in mathematics: 4, To b thought well of. _ O 'l'E - 'l' liP fig·111'P" i,1·1°1·Pdi11g ,,,nr<I,-; i11 fhi~nl'!i<·le in<li<-t~t I, \\'h e 1 liorn ; :!, Ed11c11tl11n and 11·,1ini n i.r : :J, <}111tlifi1·11tiilll ;:; 4. .<\mhiiion General S,,nod of ohe R. P. Church. 1'he nennal Rynod of the R. P. , moderator, in installing three elders, churC'h of North America, convened in was upheld by the Special Commit– the R. P. ch urch of Cedarville, May tee appointed hy Synod. The meet- 22nd, at 7 :30 o'clock with the ings of Synod were opened by half Moderator, the Rev. Prof. J. Y. hour worship each morning. The Boice in the pulpit. The Moderator officers of the court for the ensuing opened the , ynocl by the usual I year are Moderator, Rev. J. L. sermon, taking as hi text Psalm Ritchie of Lisbon , Ohio, Rev. Dr. 72:17. His diRcourse was enjoyed John Kendall, of Tarentum, Pa. by all, at the completion of which Stated Clerk and Rev. W. W. Synod was formally convened by Iliffe, Duanesburg, N. Y. AsRistant -prayer.. Numerous things came up Clerk. at this Synod, hut we propose to The report of the delegate to the mention thoHe most important. I Alliance of the Reformed Church of One of the most marked things j North America was received and - ~bout Synod was the good feeling approved, as was the excellent re– pervading all the meetings . · The port presented by the Chai rman, reports of the Treasurers were re- Rev. Dr. J. L. Chestnut upon For– ceived and approwd. The action of eign Missions. Quite a stir was made Rev. C. A. Young in the 4th church about the Seminary in Philadelphia Philaclelphia affair, of which he was j a heatE>d <liscusi:;ion wai, provokPrl,