The Gavelyte, June 1907

THE <, AVELYTE, • t ~ -('nnl'TP~.'" of '4.\l!'l'H ,\: !'LE.\I.\.·,,;. U ITED PRE.. BYTERIA CHURCH, CEDARVILLE, OHIO. meet a young man with gay hat band, j versation with a native, you would or a sedate young woman in cap and I soon learn that Cedarville take most gown, informing you that the village I pride in her reputation as the centre po sesses a college. If, at the noon ! of the greatest stock-di trict in hour, the long orderly line of pupils, I America, possessing a national, if not in charge of their teachers, giv s you i international. reputation for fine hogs, some idea of the interest and enthusi- 1 cattle and sheep, and i , at once, asm of Cedarville inhabiaants in their i third in rank as a ~hipping place be– schools. It may be said in passing, I tween olumbus and Cincinnati. A that the village boasts 1400 inhabi- new $12,000 Carnegie Library i in tants and i considering the propo i- , cour e of con truction, and as you tion of erecting a ne\\ school build- walk about you become impre sed ing c..:osting $30,000. with the miles of cement side-walks, , houlrl you i:;top and Pngag<:> in eon- C'eclarville possessing more miles !lf