The Gavelyte, June 1907
CF:DA Ii VI I ,1,1 1~ (;01,liTD<:E. :-mch paving, in proportion to h r MUSK INGUM-CEDARVILLE. population, than any other town in the state. Her bank and oth r bu in s The Cedarville-Muskingum debate houses do a large and increasing busi- was held in the Opera House, Ji'riday ne yearly, which is a sure indication ev ning, May :i lst. A fair siied of her prosp rity. ix churehes, min- audience was in attendance, several ister to the religious n eds of th Mu kingum rooters being in th town, Cedarville being a _strong Cov-1 audi nee, the utmost good feeling enanter and Presbyterian center. being manifested by both sides. The Few towns are urrounded with more question was Resolved, "that the natural beauty than edarvill , th present protective system of tariff high and precipitou cliffs along Mas- should be abandoned by the U. S."– sie's creek and the old indian fort Muskingum having the affirmative, and mound lend a unique and rich in-1 - ably represented by MeRsrs. terest to the scenery. The boy-hood Livingstone, Pollock and Cleland. home of Hon. Whitelaw R id is in the Our boys, L. T. Marshall. .J. C'. vicinity and attracts many visitors. Marshall and Elder Hutchison hav– A new traction line is about to be ing the negative. The judges were constructed from Springfield to Wil- Dr. Robertson, of Cincinnati, Prof. mington, passing through Cedarville. Schneider, of Wittenberg and Pl'of. One of the most progressive firms Wilson, of Athens, Dr. McKinney, of the city is that of Smith & Clem- presiding. The vote of the judges ans, real estate and insurance brok- was unanimous for Muskingum. No ers, will be pleased, we are sure, to better debating team has been heard give any information desired, ·on- here than Muskingum, and due praise eerning Cedarville. should be credited to our boys for - the game fight they made, after the CLASS NIG11T. short time of preparation allotecl to them. We hope this debate will be- Class Night was held in the Opera -House, .Tune 3d, the cla:,,s presenting "A Bae helor'::r Congress", a play made enjllyable by the numerous hits made. A fair sized audience was in attend– ance and truly may '07 be proucl of her rffort. come a fixture. The Seniors were entertained by Miss Margaret Lackey on the night of the 21st of May. All came away proclaiming Miss Lackey an irlea 1 h0st .
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