The Gavelyte, June 1907

THE GAVELYTE. AT HLETI CS. A review of this department of i furnish many good canditates for our college life for the past year the coming season. does not bring much consolation to I Since our last edition we haxe the hearts of lovers of athletics. I crossed bats with Wilmington and And this too in spite of the fact that I Wilberforce. We met Wilmington in football we had one of the best Ion their grounds on May 24th and teams that ever turned out on the I out classed them in every depart– gridiron for old C. C. The power ment of play until the eight inning, of the team was not really known un- t he score at that stage of the game til the Thanksgiving game. Before being 6 to 1 in favor of Cedarville, that the teams played had all been but in this inning the boys went such as had never before been to pieces filling the bases on error tackled by the college with the ex- and a couple safe hits allowed Wil– ception of Oakwood with whom we mington to win out, score 7 to 6. played last year. But the team had . On the 27th the Wilberforce boy the brain and brawn to take into came again to our tuwn and our camp any of the surrounding col- boy certainly redeemed tht·mselves lege teams as was made plain when winning by the score of 7 to 4. Our the Springfield team played Thank - young pitcher Walter Corry, i' cer– giving day. Though the eason had tainly a coming star. He is one had been disappointing yet thi from whom we expect to hear much game atoned in a measure, for a in the future. We still have schedu- core of 7B-O is not to b~ frowned led games with the 0. S. & . 0. upon . team and a return game with Wil- Much will be lost in the graduation mington College. On the whole this of the Marshalls with their speed ha, been a very ucces,ful year in for th y rendered excellent ervice athletics. Possibly we have won to the Orange and Blue. Ware aLo fewer victories but our schedule has I aves a hole in the team, for as a been heavier than in former years. tackler he played his pmiition to the j The true college pirit ha been full. Rnt the . Pro1Hl tPam will plainly Pvident in all our con tests.