The Gavelyte, June 1907

CfimARVfLLE COLLE<rn. 140 the only thing of which we can com- I places. And yet we possessed many plain is the lack of support of the good individual players, though socie– student body. There has not been ty interfered too much with the sufficient encouragement from female practice necessary to get good team voices during these contests. work. We have one thing to announce which should bring joy to the heart of every student and alumnus. Be- DIPLOMA NIGHT. fore the opening of the Fall term The closing exercises of the joint we will have an enclosed athletic Literary societies were held in the field. This means we can bring U. P. church. A goo<l sized audience teams representing other schools, was in attendance and wne well re– from a distance and rely upon the paid. The invocation was offered by gate receipts to pay the expense. the Rev. Thomas Turner, of Marissa, Heretofore not one half of those Illinois, Music was rendered by the who have watched the games have Miils~s Lnunette and Bessie Sterrett paid admissions. and Clifford Dallas, a vocal solo by This will be the greatest impetus Woodbridge Usticlc and a declama– Cedarville Athletics has ever re- tion by Carrie Finney- after which cei ved. It will takr a load from the the Rev. Dr. Ames Montgomery of shoulders of the different managers. Xenia addressed us in "A Plea for Indications point to a brighter future the Forensic Art," showing the need for Ced.arville College. and the worth of this branch of speaking. It was an able discussi?n, delivered in a comprehensive style. Then, the Presiding Officer, on be– .. half of the joint societies made the Of all the d'isappoint- presentation of diµlo~as, to the ten f h th seniors of the graduatmg class- after ments o t e year e . . fizzle of our · Basket I which the bened1ct10n was pronounc- Ball team was the ed by Dr. Montgomery. gr<!~test. After watch– ing E8tle, Corry, Morton and the Marshalls last year, it was indeed tame ~o see the 1907 tMm trying- to fill their Tn a room , wits o ne day lieard a '' holl e r'' r·once rning Fit:1,patrlck's old collar Of rublier 'twa s made, And to yellow did fad e, 'l' h dy we n' ,old tl' fif!P P ll for :1 dnll 11r,