The Gavelyte, June 1910
'7 I'll l~ (; \ \ L~L ''I It:, 'I ht' Trt• t t ii\, nrt >nt•, ' ··1 Iii II r :il.1r11\t"r I n ·k, would •011 kn 1w him? .ri. .'hock: \ I 1••• is .'h1wk. l'Hl :l.t 'lll•: ,'l);\' 'n\O Tlwn• 1·nm •s ·i tim' in tlw alfain1 of peri,,nn and thing. in whi ·h om ran, t' or agt nt thr •atl'll.' an uplw, \'ell or 11ltimaLPI}' hrin~~ about, tlwtr d ,. ~truction . Tlw R r n liltl t• ('ov1>nant•r Yillag •of(' ·darville a nd i "\VooR– tPr .\nu :" an• no xception to th1 rul . II.Wt• lwy not but. · pa ~ d hr0t1,....h tlw thrm•!'I of P ·cit<'mcnt and turmoil'! J\ h ! th irn1wndi11g 1wril ! The causP. The trouult- . \Vho v.ould snv1·'? .'ilPnCP. You Phall hP11r. \Vas not I ome lil.l\'ed frurn h r own follie by a 1Iorac,• to hit1 gr •at r •nown? l)id not an apt cartoon ilVl' our own nited StateH and win for • \1 , t •\'n– laRting fa:fll' '? Cedarville and th ''Annex'' have rt~'>umecl tlw 1>VPn tenor of tht>ir wayR. Th Creature i:; t,imed . The caus rl'moverl. But who, who dar d defy thi awful ll(Ji, e, this fi rec hurricanP, th master of intr..,pidity, thi· unaba~hed one? l3ut why concern ourselv s f0r the momPnt with thf-' 'who', let u rather notic:P directly th , 'wb;tt' that brought about the refor– mation of this 'handsome' one who "d1Jth be:-.tride the narrow world lik a ,ollos u ." Ah! 'Twas but a simple sonnet not meant for vulgar ye,. But as, ure as Fortune clothes geniu in modesty, so sure doe: Fat producP. a· proclaimer of the product of that geniu . The poem you shall ee and if when the world has passed judgement thereon, it shall term it a rla, , ic, the writer'· name will then be a hou eho}j word. And then - then f;od help that proclaimer. THE CLASSIC A voice of thunder ound of a whirlwind Xenia Avenue upside down Ye hades of Fitzpatrick What a terrible blundPr. The new Prof's struck the town. A saint was sought A sinner came. A man with a smile And ungodly name. Alack, be could dance and sing and play (?l Not for forty years Had it been this way. But what is the name of this man so handsome The awful creature who knows how to dance some Who makP folks prance "ome And givPS no RANSOi\I Can go through a transom And is so tntrancin' (?) 'Ti· Alan on! Ab, Alanson!
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