The Gavelyte, June 1910
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 92 Alutnni Notes. I friends here on his way home from McCormick Seminary, Chicago. The Alumni Banquet will be held Let every Alumnus pay up his the evening of June 2. Every ?ues and be sure to be at the Banquet Alumnus hould make a special effort , m the College Hall , June 2nd. to attend, for the. Banquet committee I Local News. ha , been working for weeks t,) make this the best banquet yet. If you don't lik e the come t's tail, Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Turner, '99, dock it. visited th~ latter's mother for several Too late! too late! (!Jet the gist of weeks during the first of the month . that fellows)? Miss Isabelle Wiater, '99, was Palmer is back from hi · wedding elected a teacher in the Cedarville trip. He reports a great time. township schools for the coming year Mi~s Spencer ha had a slight at- Rev. W. A. Condon, '00, made a tack of the measles. short visit with friends here, then Did everyone notice how queer the went to Philadelphia where he will the comet acted the day King Ed- attend General Assembly. ward died? Mrs. Anna Wilson, '00. spent I Remember Downing's Studio, Xenia, several weeks with her parents. Mrs. O , is the place for all kinds of fine Wilson had just recovered from a Portraiture. serious illness and is much improved. Miss Smith objects to having stu- Mr. J. M. Finney, '03, will graduate I dentts called from class, when there from the Medical Department of is no reason for it except- Cincinnati University on June 2. Thf! trouble with the comet is, it Mr, C. G. Ware, '07, \l·ho finishes gets nearer every minute it ap- the Theological cours·e at Lane proacbes. Semin_ary this spring will locate in O'Grady's Goat (ask A. L. P. how Washrngton. to pronounre it) struck Halley's comet Mr. L. T. Marshall, 07, was nomi- May 11th at Wooster. nated for a second term .as Cle.rk of Tell Palmer it is suggested by -the Court, at the Republican Prt ma ry some of his friends that he give a May, 17th. shoe party and invite his trousers Mr. Lloyd Cobfarr, 09, was promot- down. ed as teacher to the ~ixth and I The students are somewhat sur– ,'eventh grades in Clifton school~. 1 pri 8 ed at the interest of Aunt Mary . Miss Jeannette Orr, '09, has the I in the outcome of the Xenia National honor of being the first to take a Rall games. post graduate course in the college J. Stewart: - ! don't care what and will receive the degree of Master happens if it don't happen to me. of Arts. Linton :- If it don't happen, 1 don't Mr. Wm. ,J. Hawthorne, '09, vi ited care if it rloe ne ith r.
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