The Gavelyte, June 1910

The Gavelyte. VOL. V. JUNE 1910. NOS. 5. & 6. ,- · Current Events. PROF. F. A. JUHKA'l' . Develo11ment in the B~astern State; indicate that the open sea::;on fur bribt=>r:3 and bribees is on in full forct-. In New YQrk Senator Allds was found guilty and resig11erl. His accuser, Senator Conger, whose chief t<!sti– mony was that Conger's bridge company had given Allds the Lribe, thus chopped off his own political head and was com'pelled to resign. Rarely are two liirds killed with one stone in thi:, peculiar manner. fo the Pitts– burg councils, grafting seemed to. be one of the qualifications for member– ship, $1,000,000 being collected in the Red Light district alone. The banks saw fit to bnbe in order to become depositories for the city fundR. Mayor 11ager came to a mass meeting to defend hirnself nnd remarkfd that if one half of what had bee11 said against his administration were true, he would l't'-Sign; wh1~reupon he was loudly urged by the greater part of ~he audience t(J carry out his threat. <;overnor Hughes of New York, has been elevated to the United St.ates Supreme Bench, and New York, as in the days when Roosevelt was called from the governorship to the. Vice-Presidency, must look out for another man to carry forward the work of purification. In that day, Hughes had _not lJeen heard of, and people wondered where New York would get another man to take Roosevelt's place. He was found, and will be found a~ain. lto11Revelt himself suggests William Loeb. According to Secretary Ballinger's statement before the committee, the United ,)tates must be full of liars, but we wait for further evidence. - ·'l'he chief point that interests the dear public is not who is lying, but how the puulie lands with valuable coal depoHits underneath are to be kept away from tht grabbers. President Roosevelt was alRo rather free in com,igning Jit-ople t<J membership in the Ananias club, but while he was calling them liai ,. with one hand (mixed m8taphorJ he was conserving the national re.-