The Gavelyte, June 1910

, , I 11111c,• ,, iLh tit,• 11llwr. Iii th1•11r) a. t11 hold 1111 t.o •\'f•r ·thi11j.( rlt ll th•· la\\' ,l,1p, 11111 rcimp••I yn11 tci giv,, awav. HallinJ(n' th •or · i lo l,.!ivt, away •,·,,n·thit11! that th" 111w il,w.~ 11111 <'ompPI you ln k1•Pp . \ ftl'r a ·pur':-1 ~tr11gglt1 l ht• Hou1-111 nf r.ommomj lrni JH4 t-d t lw hudgtiL In a ,,,te nf :~2-1 t,i ~:o . Tlw llou. P of LorilR pasRed it without r mark, h•1•pin' tht>ir promiNP that t.lwy ~vould do . o if the r.onnty 11a tainf'd th1• propo8itinn of thP ~nrnnm~nt, whirh wa:-1 <lon.. at th ll'lt, el •ctio11. ow l'll1nt.'!il tht• propoNPd reform of the House of Lord \mon~ th limitationH will lit>, th· t, tht lloust- ,,f Lnrd11 haN no Vf>tn on nny fin ncidl bill, nnr on any oth r bill whi ·h pa!lSl'H Lht> ('OmmonA twkr, in su<·rtsRiv'" >IPR. inn~, and that t,he hereditary prineiplt-l in the Hous of Lorris hf' al,olilihPd. Th Lorch, naturally nbjert, and .> probable outcom1-1 will he, either that the Hou 11 of the Lords will remain hereditary and lose its veto, or become, el ctiv and keep its veto. like the nited tatPs senate . Athletic News . I pitcher) H ! Un May ~th, the C1idarville nine l'edarville op ned the l,a ·e l,all I went uown to \,\, ilberforte to play season April 21st by playing the Wil- 1their :3rd game with Wilberforce. berforce nine at Wilberforce . The The score at t ht> clo-i~ of the game Cedarville team played a goud game tood 8 to 6 in f avur or Wilberforce. up until thP fourth when they. 1008- Ounlap, Cleman~ :-\Od ~'o. t"r played a ened up and let in 9 run ; but thPy game especially strong at the bat. came back in the 8th. 'fhe ~core re- while Palmer played a !!OOd fielding mained !) t,, U up until the last inning game. The following is the line-up. when C..,darrilll' made 2 run~. Wilberforce Cedarville On the 311th of ..\pril. \\ ilberfon;e Hatcher Baumert played a rt:turu game here. The 'ed- .Jone ' 1J Fo ter arvill~ player:: seenierl to be attacked I Taukersly m Dunlap with st21ge fright tor tht:1:,· allowed I Andn on l b Palmer \\'ilherforce tu df'f.,at thf'm 15 to 3. Clinton 2 b Morgan The only n·det>niing feature of this I Grt-en 3 b •..:;lemans Kame fur Ct-darville \\ as F11stn's : 1-'t-rklll:, " i- McGaffie pitching, he having 11 ·trih•out · to I David r f Conley his rrt>dit t,, ('linton' ' (\Yillierforn.'s Booth If Williamson