The Gavelyte, June 1910

- --------------- Athletic Association. we will get for the basket ball coach, Tlw Athletie Association tbis year but. we hope to have a man capable has done remarkably well considning of developing a team equally as strong the number of students enrolled. as the one this year, although some This year our foot ball team, which it new material will be needed. supported can say that it only won I Y. M. C. A. twu games ont of the six that The Cedarville College Y. M. C. A. were played, but it was true that it was visited by Mr. Lichty, the tat,l played teams out of its class secretary, about the middle of April. This year the a~sociation had one Many naw plans were made to make of the best basKet ball teams known the meetings in the coming year in the history of Cedarville_ College more beneficial and more interesting. and to say that it was success,ful in Several different kinds of meetings winning 17 games out of 23 and not have bet~n arranged. April 20th we loosing a single game on its own held what was called a "knockers" floor is saying something that has meeting whicb was to try to find out never l1efore heen said. I why more people didn't attend. Arrangement.s have been made for This meeting being led by Mr. Harri- .the foot ball coach for the coming man, proved to 1 be a very interesting year and we hope we can support a affair. April 27th the meeting winning team in this great athletic wa~ conducted by Mr. J.E. McClellan. a11ort which has made such a radical This being known as a "hurt" lesson, change in the rules. many familiar references in the Bible We h'lVe not fully decid&d who were called for by the leader and the