The Gavelyte, June 1910

2 Class Histories. Senior Class. J. KEN~1'~TH WILLlA:111.'0N. Fvr une to :zu thru life ignorant of the facts concerning the class of 1910 wuuld be a life wast.-d indeed, in fact one's chief inspiration comes from reading the records and events of a great organization such aR the cJag: (If 1910. ~ rom the t.ime~ its member:-: condesce11ded to grace the clas;.;ic halls uf C. C till the present tirn<:.>, the records of this class have been the records of the collt:-ge which it will soon claim as its Alma Mater, for from the very fir.,·t this clads proceeded to al',eume the initiative and they have been the "main ~m,,ke" ever since, till everybndy with one accord seems to 5ay "what will we d11 when you are gone?" Oh! ''There \•,ill l,e weeping and wailing and gnashing- of tt-eth." Our noble clas_ made its . first plunge into the limelight µroper, just fuur ::ihort yt>ars ago. true some of u were here a year or two before but we were hen• prospecting and g-ettir.g ready to promote one of the gn~atest '·hfJoms", that hasn't proved a f'akE>, that Cedarville has yet ex– perienced. The )'(~a,~ pri>vious to this time wne spent in all surts of unheard of sports liy our member~, in country school, village high school, prep schools, .cornfields, and wherenot. Our eyes, complexions, and other defects, had better not Le enumerated here a all the Gibsons, Hutts, and Fishers in the county would be sending ou for subjecLs and we really haven't the time for such things as we will be too - busy setting a pace for the rest of the world in UH 1. In our lirief stay in Cedarville College we have had our. representatives in ever) thing that hHs been pulled off, from prayer-meeting to chicken roa ts, we have had our namea inscribed in loving memory on about every i.:hair, d+>sk and window that we have come in contact with in the last four year~. we have done more bragging and put up more ''hot air", caused more howl~, made more bluffs, bought more ponies also sold 'em, than any other <·laRi,; that ever rested for four years wher we have. Wlio was it the faculty could always blame everything on, because they were guiltv? Who always turned the H2 . S. generator on during the quiet