The Gavelyte, March 1906

THE GAYELYTJiJ, --- -~~-------- I ~. El>enwle. 2nd; A. , hohr. :lrd , all : 1-5. of Franklin EL S. Running high jump, E. G. Mc- l•'our forty yard dash, Laughlin. Cin. Y. M. C. A., 1 t, E. b'. Carl .Jobn. on, Chicago Y. M. C. A., 1 Larson, Chicago Y. M. C. A., ~nd ; 1st: H. Powell. 'bicago Y. M. C . i height, 5 ft., 8 in. A., 2nd: E. T. Larson, Chicago Y. i Pole vault, C. S. Jacobs, Chicago M. C. A.. :1rd: time, 5-:i 2-5 sec. 1 Y . M. C. A., 1st; Al Sandou, C. G. A. Sixty yard low hurdles, F. E. Lord , ; C., 2nd; C. Chadwick, Cin. Y. 11. C. Chicago Y. M. C. A., 1st. L. C. Bailey, 1 A., ~rd; height, 10 ft., in . 'hicago Y. M. C. A., 2nd, E. G. Mc- ; Sixteen pound shot put, F. 1s:chmitt. Laughlin, Cincinnati Y. M. C. A. 3rd; J Chicago )'. M. C. A., 1st; W. H. time. 6 sec. , Stevenson, C. G. A. C., 2nd; F. F. Mc- Eight hundred eighty yard r un , i Minn, Cin. Y. M. C. A., uncontested, H.. J. Buehler, Chicago Y. M. C. A., 3rd; distance, 38 ft.,2 in . . Locals .. 1st: A. C. Thompson, Chicago Y. M. C. A., 2nd;'. Waterman, Cin. Y. M.j ( '. A., 3rd; time, 2:5 2-5 sec. 1 Four hundred forty ya~rt handicap, I Mr. Elde r Corry will n_ot be.. in col- .las. Eshelby, A. ~I. .' 1 t, tanley lege next term. .. .. _ llurman, A. M. ·., 2nd; W. C. Hamil - j The final winter term~xam ·-~taited· ton, Cin . Y. M. C. A., ':3rd; ·till)-e, 55 ·, Weanesday. March 14, and clusesFri- :-;ec. . day. ·. Two mile run, A. II. Haigh and E. I Mis~ Eleanor Smith entertained · a R. Harlow, C'hicago Y · M. C. A·· 1 t, select crowd, Tue::;day evening of tie; (;eorgr ,'weney. Chris Church, . last week. 2nd: ti me, 10 :-t:=\ 2-:,. I , · . ,. t I 1 I 'I' · (''t ti 1 R Mr. Leroy onfarr was not w , 1x y , arc c as 1. n- 1 v na s. . { E H · 1 : (, n (, · l 't. C'h· J ·cbool everal day<; la t week, on a -: . ee on, . 1.:r. • • , s . a . f ,. 1 ('. y , 1 (' \ 2 d· F I count:; o the death of his uncle. . 1ppe, m. . ,\ . . .. , n , an- 1 ning. t..'rlts .-\. l'., :1rd; time, S -!-.::i. Frank Young and ,J.'e Finne) at~ Jlile n:'lay. hig-h_:c:chools and acade- tended the Wittenberg Inttt-Socie.ty mieR, F'ranklin H. , ., 1st; i\el. on'. debate, Friday evening, March 9. Btvin~s. PrE>p., C'in., 2nd: time, I Dr. Robert A. Watson has been ·) .·)o 1 :- I d d 1· • , .,)i) -1:-,>. . I ,'ecure to e 1ver the ad<lress to the :\lile .r~la.,:, opP?, , 'hi~·.ag'.1 ·Y.· ~I: C. l graduating class on commenC'ement .\ .. 1st. (.IT.A.( ,., t1, time, .3.32- 1 day, J une 7th. I