The Gavelyte, March 1906
crnoAh. ILLE COLLW ;J;;, J ., •) --·-- --·---- - Wh_at part_ of tl~e~qollag yell does! M1:' C. (~. Wa{·e -an; wif atiendPd ,Joe Finney hke b~F.t? Sa Rah. the entertainment by the cartoonisL, We have noti ced the lid is on. I Alton Packard,_under the direeLion Two interested young ladies have of tl10 Star Uom1-1e of X nia, laRt persuaded Corry and Confarr to stop Thursday evening·. smoking and 'playin~ pool. Among the rooters for Cedarville Professor (t.o ·,rrig. class) "What at the A. A. U. carnival, in Cincin– study would you like to elect in place nati, were noticed, J. C. George, of Trig.?" Janet and Mabel (in chor- : .F'rank Ervin, Ray McFarland, Martin us) "Domestic Science." I Coffey' J. Fred Barber and Karl Bu 11. Mr. John Graham, owing to illness at his home, will not continue in col– lege du'dng the spring term. He will leave ·for home Monday, March 19. , · ·Swipers" Shaw and A. A. Au. bin were on duty at the A. A. U. meet in official capacity Saturday ever-ing on Mar. 1st., attending their protogees, Carl an<l Roy Marshall. Mrs. Auel, also leaves at the ~nd of I On account of the ri~t at ,'pring·- tl · t t ~. 1 A 1 t field, C. G. Ware, who 1:-; a memLer .rn win er erm. iv. rs. ue goes o f' h O N ., ., , ,, . C - · t· l · h 'JI . o t e . . G., Com1)any C, I hm1 1110mna 1 w rnre s e w1 contmne ' h · · h M R 1 regiment, was called from his sehool er music wi;:, rs. usse . . . . . I duties for about a week. He came Subscribe for The Gavelyte, now. Of through without a :;crateh. course y,;ru. Hant the June souvenir number. · Siugle copies of that issue will be (25c) twenty-five cen_ts. President McKinney and Ron at– tended the Cincinnati Y. M. C. A. \'S . Cedarville College ba ·ket ball ganw On Friday night, March 3d, Miss Friday evening. It is seldom that -Cdrrie Hutchison entertained a num- our president is able to attend ;_1 tll– ber of old Cedarville friends. All I letic events of the college and the report ~ time. It rained a little J boys are always glad when be is 1•er- the same evening. mitted to be present. - . Mr. Adjective Adverbial Austin accompanied the basket ball te~rn to Cincinnati, ·regardless ' of the. fact that he had six lessons to ·get and an essay to write. Wittenberg's inter-society de/Ja te was. held Friday, M~.r. 9, in the col– lege chapel between the Philosoi)hic and Excelsior · Literary 80cieties 011 the question "Rc,solved, That r;overn-
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