The Gavelyte, March 1906

-l l 111cntal 8npervision of lfailr,)ads in ! the United fitate8 \VOuld be better than Government Owne1 ship.'' The I affirmative, upheld by Philosophic :;oe- • 1 iety won the debat~ by a cl_ose margin. \ 3 a.m.,Cotning from H'tch'R. :1. ) 6 a.m.,Stifl coming. 11 a.m.,La t in. 4. Sleeping it off. 5. Austin gets a pocket full. 6. 9:30 p.m.. Nash leaYes worship an<l goe~ to the rescue. Love's Awakening, 7. V. 'f. puts the lid on. _\ ti n ted -.11,oft .,f lil{bl shot rrom the> ,-nm. 8. '!'raining begins. And earthword 1-])<'d j n rapid flight ; \nc'I Jo '. Th!' lily'" waxen lip!< w e re gold. Wh<·re rlrnr ,<rray ,:nnhe11m (•hnnced to lighr. I - C. G. \Y Al:IE. ! 9. That team of ours goes some. 10. They're off!!!. ............ . Diem in Die. ...... they come in. Feb . li). The S. M. rs go down to l defeat. 11. 12. 13. The parting gives us pain. Recuperation. Who could do anything on the 13th'? Mar. lG. One more Gavelyte. ]7 I - - 1 18 - 1 _ ( r nspeakable!! 14. Look pleasant please. 19. - Gold I\ledal day. Stern Father-"What time is that 20.- 21. 22. 28. ~-±. 2f), 2G. 27. ') .... L l. Union .Meeting. you are getting in'?" Did you get a bid_ ......... j Joe - "About one o'clock''. (clock to prayer meetrng. i strikes three) "'I'h l)' F'' " l th I e >Ig ive · Pay~ e · Stern Father--- ".Mv how that clock "'rh ·a ,, I ~ 01 s · stutters!" Holiday. Everybody pikes. j ( Buxton x x x x x ! ! ! I Conrale.scent. 1 ,Julia- ''Do you like tea?.. I Elder- "I prefer the next letter:· Hlue Monrlay!! ,'till Blue!! -...-- - - ------- "The Big Five'' plays the · Thjs is the third number of The "f;ritty'' .Jamestown Five Gavelyte and not one alumnus has '.i-1 to 15. sebt in a contribution. May we not Preparing for "Hutch''. expect something for the April (;oing t n "fluteh'. ". number?