The Gavelyte, March 1906

- -··-- .- .... - .. -----. - ·-- - -- .. - ------ -- - NOVELTIES Arm 'OLD IlY McCOLLUM. lfJU D</1 ' .\ HTll:RS 1,'Ult College Pins, Emblems, Etc. ,JEWELRY 0 Ii' ALL KI D . Repair Work a Specialty CERTAINLY See M·cCOLLUM For UMBRELLAS. Cedarville, = = "' Ohio . I I Mll~LINER_Y. Onr Fashions are LatesL; Our Pri<·r>s !\Jost llt!,rnonabl e; .You r Cni-;- tom ~oli cit,ed. / Special Attention fiiven to Student s. MISS A. L. CRAUFURO. J\Iain treet, edarvill , Ohio. A HOME IN CEDARVILLE Means a healthy location, a re lig– iou's community, good school s and culture· of a college town. A Good Place to Locate. AWL YOlJ R S HOES I . TOWN Al D FAR!\[ l'HOP1':HT1: . wouLo LAST LONGER I s~ITTB & c LB~M.-\ N,. HEAL ESTA'J' J;; IF YOU KEPT YOUR SQLE I Cedarvill e, Ohio. - IN REPAIR- Tf-lE D. S. ERVIN CO., I Cedarville , Ohio . 'ee the "Big Ch ief" at 1 - THE SHOE HOSPITAL. ' Main Rtreet, Cedarville, Ohio. Ha\'ing remnchilf'd ou r elE.Vator, we• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , are n1)w prepa red to accommodatr our friend s in taking care of thei r - Boys, You're Bound to Win grai n. We also hand le the best of ~ WITH A - FIELDS' LIVERY RIG. coal --the famous Sunday Creek, Hocking-, Jackson and Porahonta~. Delivered on short noti ce . Call by 8pe.cial Attention Given to Students. 'phone.