The Gavelyte, March 1906
.,,... ,,/ --- ------- -· --- ------·---· ohe G .A. VE Ly T E. ary work, of late, seemH to point Lo l'u1,!i-h{·d in th<' lnterr:-t, nC CEDARVILLE COLLEGE, ' --nY --· something rarlical1y wrong- in our society methodH or in our sturlenLH themselves. That Lhere ar studPnt:-; who need a sncc€'ssion of prodH to grL THE G ~~ l l ELCLVB them to accomplish anything outside• of their own little world is truP · yeL, Subscription price, per year, $ l.00 in literary society we rk, he who riew.· \ A MON'lHLY PUBLICATION ---··----- ----- this matter in this light fail. to sN• the other half of his college course. Ap!Jlil'11,tio11 pi>nding- f•> he t>ntPrecl a .~ econd Clas:- ~[ail 1fat t<'I", in the po><t o/i-it:e, n t CNi1n– vill<', Ohio. There can be no question about the importance of this phase of college Editor in Chld C. W.\RE. \\'. AUl'<Tl~ . C!,ESTL:E. · e. WR[nHT.. R. MAR HALL, .r. FI '-'EY, - C, 1L\.R::!HALIJ, I!:. \k<' LELLAK, H. L!«H l-E'l'T. . society Euitor life anei it has been spoken of tinw Edit<>!' or Athlt'Lics and again by alumni who have r.~– _\Jumni Editor Ex<·hangc Erlitor turned to visit their alma mater, and Gen. Busin<>;; J\Jgr. if they are not competent to . pPak, 'l'reas. and .\.dv. ~[gr. h . ? · SulJ~<·ription :Mgr. , W O IS, Mniling- Yet, it seems that there are stu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dents who are . o bound np in the We are glad to note that the sen- other side ·- the merely a ·quiring ior class is following the apparent side-that they must ('?) nPglect this trend of the times in having a class society work. This iR not as it should address deli'rered by a competant be. :.;peaker, inst~ad of the time honored I Skill in use has ever <li. tir.~uished and worn thread bare cours~ of hav- 1the artisan from the 1here laborer. ing the grad,iates teli of the "great This is equally true of knowledgP. world of action" and "the ocean of The accurate and skilful use of life" before them. Surely an able knowledge give a man a great ad– address from a man of action in the vantagf' over the mere possessor. world itself will be of more lasting even as jiu jitsu overcomes the benefit not alone to the seniors I brawny ruffian, an<l acti,·e work in _themselves, for bless you, they are · the literary Rociety is the jiu jit. u not yet above advice, but also every training for life. nndPr graduate who he1trs it. Let us therefore think Jes of mere grade and eek to acquire only that The decadence in interest in litL~r- which we can 11 ... P. I
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