The Gavelyte, March 1907

THE GAVELYTE, preciated by all who heard it. The , o ieties. Of course, it takes time younger members of our societies to prepare and deliver a production, are corning to the front. Let us be but each effort serves to strength~n of a generous spirit, and hope for the you for the next. Literary training inauguration of the wholesome spirit as emphasized by Mr. Potter and the of loyalty and devotion to the Philo Faculty, represents a very essential Society. feature of a man's college training. INTER--SOCIETY CONTEST. It is, to a large extent, the vital part Philos'- of college work. Let us, then, have I J. Carl Marshall, '07, Essay. a revival of interest in literary work,! Paul McMillan, '10, Debate. in both societies. L. T. Marshall, '07, Oration. Philo. D. J. Brigham, '10, Declamation. J Philosophics'- Miss Jeanette Orr, '09, Essay . The success of the Philo meetings Fred Williamson, '07, Debate. of 1907, will overshadow that of Wm. Hawthorne, Jr. '09, Oration . former years. Enthusiasm and good Miss Alberta Creswell, '10, Decl't'n . will is permeating all our work. We hope for increased interest. in the Society, that this year may stand A PLEASANT SOCIAL. pre-emin~nt in the work of the Socie- Friday evening, March 1, a party ty. Thus far, we have excellent ma- was given to a large number of the terial for declaimers and debaters. college students, by Miss Margaret Why should we not make a good Lackey. at her home near Jamestown. showing? Each night, the programs Although, outside, all was drear, the become better and more interest is I winri blowing aud the rain falling, in– manifested. During the past month, side, there was plenty of good cheer Fred Bird and Carl Marshall dis tin- and comfort. After a very sociable guished themselves as essayists, D. evening, aided by some dainty dishes, J . Brigham, Paul McMillan and Miss a few games were played. The Ina Murdock as declaimers while still guests started for home at an early others as debaters and orators. hour (the next morning of course) The iast meeting was well attended and reached Gedarville in safety. All and an excellent program was ren- are grateful to Miss Lackey for the dered . Miss Nell Turnbull rendered very enjoyable time, spent at her a vocal solo, whi ch was highly ap- home.