The Gavelyte, March 1907

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 50 ------------ - - EXCHANtiES. 1 And wondered if any other man Ever sipped from a mug like that.– Oracle. l• l'\-'d \\"ii I in,mson , Enllor. Professor:- ''Girls have better We have received several new Ex- qualities than boys along some lines." changes since last issue . Among Student:- Yes, clothes lines."- them is the Elgin High School Mir- The Mirror. ro~ :"hich seems to have a be~ter I "My sister had a £_right yesterday: spmt of loyalty shown by contnbu- She had a black spider run up he1 · .· arm." tors than 1s the case with most pap- "Th , h' I h d · at s not mg, a a sewmg ers. Another new Exchange is the Moores Hill College Bulletin of no particular note. We notice by the Wooster Voice of Feb. 19, that the machine run up thP- seam of my pants."- Ex. CHAPEL LECTURES. University represented by that paper During the past month, we have has been having a grand revival been given some decided treats. 'rhe first one oceurred on Feb. 25, the ad– among its f'riends. The General Ed- dress was delivered by Dr. Vance, of ucation Board has offered $125,000 Lane Seminary, who spoke upon the and L. H. Severame a like amount on "Book of Hosea." This old Biblical condition they raise $500,000. Car- book was given new life for each one negie now comes forward with of us, and valuable lessons were un- folded to us. On March 4, we enjoy– $50,000 toward the $500,000. The ed another treat, when we had the issue of Feb. 26 is full of Wooster's pleasure of listening to Dr. Peter great victory at Springfield in the Robertson, of Cincinnati, who lectur– State Oratorical Contest. . ed upon the subject of "Robert The Editorial in the Febuary An- Burns". This lecture, delivered as it was by a man, a neighbor almost of - tiochian may well be read with profit the 8cottish Bard, seemed to stand by at least four people in the Inter- out with pecu liar force to each one society Contest. present. Valuable lessons can be Professor:- When wa$ the first learned from alJ these Chapel talks, ttl t d · N England? and we should feel happy hot onlv be- ·e emen ma e m ew · I · h · Student:- ! think I was absent that cause of w at we ha~e .heard, but al- d "F " Th M' (C H s so, because of what 1s m store for us ay, esscr - e r 1rror, . , · . h · t D A M Phil ) mt e commg e_rm. . r. mes ont- a. gomery, of Xema, will lecture to us I sipprd the nectar from her lips soon. The date will be announced As under the moon we sat, later.