The Gavelyte, March 1907
I I The Gavelyte. OL. II MARCH, 1907. NO. 3. Observations. BY A "CYNIC". Idols are often made of tobacco now a days. T Girls are ticklish. Some physically---all to deal with. H Divorce is the link binding marriage and polygamy. E he other fellow's morals are always so much worse than your own. G A man's clothes do not make him. Kind Providence had more sense t n that. A otoriety and fame Qften travel side by side but their respective . desti– n ions are far apart. V \ome Seniors could teach better than their instructors. All Freshmen C Id. E 'lo find .out how narrow the other man is, measure his mind by your own. L The Bible can only be doubted in one place.- That the wisest man Rhould hav a thousand wives. That cannot be true.
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