The Gavelyte, March 1908
' Tlw lirst llil,lt-, n,·,ding contc,st was \\'ay to Jt.. t suceeeding generations a s11rcP. :,;. Lpt,':-: ha,·(· it repeaterl of <'eclarvillP stndentR kno.v that you 11t· :-.: I y,•a r. have bPen there hf'f1,re them, wou Id be to preRent some picture:::.. Let it Thnngh constant rJpman,ls haYe be a picture of your class, or of some bPPn made thr,1ugh the columns of of your old football teams who used thi:- p;-1per for tin-' payment of sub- to "elean up'' on Wittenberg etc .. or sniptions, but a limiterl response has I even a picture portraying some clas– a~ yet bePn marle. E\'erybody get sical scene. This is only a sugges– after the trea. urn 01· business mana- tion, Alumni, but that it is practical, ger and pay up honest debts. may be easily seen from the work and -- - i energy manife~ted by alumni of other .Just a word to Alumni brethren colleges. Lets hear from you on you havf:' all, perhaps, noticed as w~ this matter. • I have, the barrenness and entire ab- I "enre of anything decorative upnn j (;iris of tlw <;. C. T's., M. I. M's., the walls of the college. A very good I etc let's lwar what you are doing.
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